Chapter 3

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Curled up in her bed, Estella finally let herself feel. All of her emotions that had been bottled up were finally felt.


Pluto whined from the end of her bed as she let out gut-wrenching sobs. Estella must have stayed like that for awhile, because when she finally got up, it was 12 and Nick  had messaged her at 7.


Hey, just wanted to check you're okay. Ben is such a dick!!

Yeah. I'm fine dw! :)

You sure??

Well... (not sent)
Estella is typing...

You can talk to me about it if you want?
It seems like a pretty serious situation
But you don't have to
if you don't want to
But I am your friend and i do care.

Its kind of a long story tho

I don't mind!!

Well it all started back when Ben and I were just children, we were best friends. But in 6th he found something out about me and completely turned into a different person.
And then last September I guess Ben and Charlie started talking and seeing each other. Later me and Charlie figured out that he was also dating some girl from Higgs. I don't know if Ben is bisexual or gay but it doesn't change that he was completely using Charlie. I tried to help Charlie end it but he kept pestering and asking to meet up with him. So I decided to just help Charlie end it once and for all. And you saw how well that went haha

FUCK I hate Ben so much. I knew he was a dick, but... Jesus. please don't talk to him ever again.

I don't think I can really promise that. If Ben tries anything with Charlie, I'm going to intervene. I'd do anything for Charlie

Well I'll kick his ass if he comes near either of you.
And you don't have to tell me but what did Ben mean by "telling people about your parents"?

Its nothing important really.
Anyways thank you for being there

Of course!!! I'm here if you ever want to talk 😊❤️

Thank you 💗


After texting Nick, Estella felt better but somehow worse. It was nice to talk to someone about most of what happened. Part of her wanted to tell Nick about what was going on at home. The other part was convinced that if she did tell Nick, her mother would find out and practically kill her.

And what if Nick thinks that she was just attention seeking? Like Ben, who had told Estella's mother what she trusted him with. Thanks to him, Estella couldn't even get out of bed to go to school for at least a month.

Estella wanted to hate her mother for what she does to her. But how can she? When she's the same woman who held Estella at 3 am when she had a nightmare. The same woman who would take Estella out for strawberry ice cream and sit under the warm sun until the ice cream had long since melted. The same woman who married her father and lost him.

That's really when she lost herself.

So as Estella curls up in her weighted blanket, Pluto by her side, she imagines the better days. The days in the warm sun, cold ice cream melting as they laugh.

The days when she could tell her mother anything, the days when she wasn't scared about eating or scared about just coming home.

Those warm sunny days are the last thing on Estella's mind before she finally drifts off to sleep.


Nick couldn't help but feel curious about what Ben had meant by telling people about her parents. And Estella had said that Ben found something out about her that made her change. So he decided to text Charlie the next morning.


Hey! I just texted Estella about what happened today and I was wondering if you knew anything about what happened with Ben? She was kind of vague about it

Thank you for checking on her that was sweet of you! Tbh she didn't really tell me

I also wanted to ask if you and Estella wanted to come over to my house tmw?

We would love to!! I'll ask her about it!
Does noon work for you?

Yeah! See you then :)

See you then <3


Now that Nick brought it up, Charlie realized that he had never gone over to Estella's house. Which isn't that significant but still she had been to his about a thousand times.

Estella also never brought up her parents. The only reason Charlie knew about her dad dying was due to his parents telling him, after he'd asked why Estella wasn't at school.

Estella never brought it up so neither did he.


Heyyy so Nick invited us to go to his house!!!!!! 🤭

That's great!! I'm so happy for you:)
Let me know if you want help picking out an outfit!!

uhhh dummy I said US
it'll be fun!! He has a dog 😽

I would pretty much just be third wheeling. But sure, I'll ask my mum

I just realized I've never met your mum. Also please please please!!!!! Nick said it was fine :)

My mum is just a private person
but fine if Nick doesn't mind then I guess I'll go. What time?

Noon!!!! See you there

Fine but you owe me 😒


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