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Now that Tony Starks gone, my whole life started to crumble before my eyes. Everyone believes he's a great man that did the best thing ever. Which he is. But right now, he ruined me. I feel guilty for feeling like the man who save the world ruined mine, but I can't help it. I hate what he did, his actions took him away from me. But I could never hate him, only miss him. What is a life without Tony stark, what is my life without my dad?

The pain and hurt from his death has riddled me. Ever since his funeral, I haven't been able to leave my room. I can't face people when all they'll do is look at me with sympathy.

I haven't spoken since. I have no words to say. If I speak, I'll break down. All my thoughts and all my pain just runs in my head, I want to scream and shout, but it just feels as though no words can portray how I feel.

My mum's tried to speak to me, and I want to answer. I want to hug her and comfort her and tell her we're going to be okay. But I can't. I can't even look her in the eye. Everyone and everything around me is a reminder of the man I never get to see again.

Peter comes over as much as possible but I never let him in my room. I can't let him see me like this. He stays, though. He talks to me through the door, obviously gaining no reply, but I appreciate it. I just wish I could tell him that. But I can't.

I can't. I can't. I can't.

I need to pick my self up. But... I can't.

Now that Tony Starks goneWhere stories live. Discover now