Chapter Five

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I start to feel nervous flutters throughout my body as I finally change into my short silk dress. It lands mid thigh and the fabric around my chest hangs loosely down. I look okay, I guess.

I'm just nervous about this whole party thing. I mean, I never go to parties. It's just not me. But I need to live life a little. Enjoy myself some more.

I told Peter to meet at the party at around 8, so I need to leave in a couple minutes. I take one last look in the mirror and take a deep breath. Enjoy yourself.

I make my way to the car with happy after saying bye to my mum and receiving a lecture on what not to do. Like I don't know how to handle myself already.

The car journey only takes 20 minutes but my nerves double every minute the car journey lasts. By the time we pull up my breaths are slightly shakey, but I shake it off and get out.

"Please be safe, text me if you want to leave earlier, I'll pick you up at 11." Happy says, worry filling his tone.

I send him a reassuring smile, "I will, thank you." I shut the door and turn to the party.

Peter texted me saying he's running a little late because Mae lost her keys but he'll only be ten minutes so I make my way in alone.

As I walk through the door I'm treated with Flashes arm slinging across my shoulder. "Aliana! You came." He says, surprised.

"I said I'd come so I did." I reply simply.

"Let me get you a drink, loosen you up a bit." He sends me a wink before sliding away quickly, not giving me enough time to reject his offer.

I only sigh and take in my surroundings. There's people kissing all over the place while red and blue solo cups are scattered throughout the house. I don't even want to know what's in them.

I stand there awkwardly, not sure what to do with myself. I mean, I know most of these people, but I don't really converse with them.

Flash returns quickly with a red solo cup and I gladly take it from him. I need to let loose, so let's hope whatever's in this cup will do that.

I take a sip and a sudden burning sensation mixed with Pepsi slides down my throat. I cough, surprised by the feeling and Flash laughs slightly.

"Yeah, sorry. Made the first one a bit strong. I thought you might need it though. If you wanna talk, you know I'm always here for you, right?" Flash finishes, and I can see a hint of care in his eyes.

This was the flash I liked dating. Everything else about him, I did not. "Thanks." I down the rest of the drink, making myself instantly feel ill.

I really don't want to talk about this, so any out is a win in my eyes. "Another drink coming right up." Flash takes my hand and pulls me over to the drinks table.

He fills my cup up with a bunch of liquids that I can't even pronounce, but right now, I don't care. I can already tell I'm a lightweight, or I've just drank something very strong on a mostly empty stomach.

I've heard that's not good for you, but I couldn't eat. I tried, and once again, failed. Oh well, at least I'll get drunk quicker, that's all I need right now. At least I think that's all I need right now.

As I take a few sips of my drink and continue talking to Flash, I see Peter walk through the front door. I smile, watching as he awkwardly stands there, scanning the room to find me.

When his eyes meet mine a smile spreads across his face. He begins towards me and I tune out whatever Flash was talking about.

"Hey, Peter." I greet him, a lazy smile drawn on my face. I can feel the alcohol rushing through me, but I don't feel like I'm drunk yet.

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