Chapter Three

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I finally leave the bathroom after calming myself down and slide back into bed next to Peter. Peter doesn't mention the prolonged amount of time I was in the bathroom for and I mentally thank him for that.

My hormones are driving me crazy right now and It's the worst time for it to happen. I just need to take a deep breath here and there to reflect on how stupid I'm acting.

It's only the afternoon so I don't know how I'm going to last the rest of the day without having a mental breakdown. This will be good for me, though. I haven't gone a day without crying and, although I failed this morning, I can practice for the rest of the day.

I need to be able to get through the day without crying, otherwise I'm pretty sure all the water in my body will disappear.

"Would you go?" Peters question pulls me out of my thoughts and confusion fills my mind. I must of zoned out.

"Sorry, I wasn't listening, would I go where?" I ask, sitting up to face him. He gives me a small smile before repeating what he said.

"There's a trip coming up, it's in Europe. It seems really cool and I think you'd enjoy it." Peter repeats, and I smile. This must have been announced while I was off, but it does seem like a good trip.

"Uh yeah, maybe." I reply, unsure I should go. "When is it?" I don't want to leave my mum too soon, I haven't been able to comfort her since I've been drowning in my own emotions.

"Next month." Peter answers.

"Short notice." I reply honestly. Seriously though, a month's notice. That isn't a lot of time if you think about it.

Peter shrugs, "well, the school wanted to do something to take our minds off of the blip and... everything." Peters voice softens towards the end.

My heart pangs but I push the feeling aside. "Fair enough." I answer simply, not too sure what to say to that.

"Still up for the horror?" Peter changes the subject, shifting his eyes to the screen.

I nod and smile instantly. He presses play and I relax back into the bed, close enough to smell Peters subtle scent. It's a bit coconutty, very clean. I can tell he doesn't worry too much about aftershave, and he doesn't need to. He smells great just as he is.

My thoughts of Peters scent, which sounds very weird now I think about it, get interrupted when he jolts slightly.

Oh yeah, horror film. Pay attention, Aliana.

I focus into the scream trying to put the pieces of the movie together as u missed half of it while I was being a creep.

A few minutes later, another jump scare happens and I let out a quiet gasp. My grip tightens onto the duvet and I lean closer to Peter.

For someone being spiderman and dealing with a lot of bad guys, Peter is very much afraid right now. His eyes are solely focused on the scream, as if if he looks away a monsters gonna eat him.

It's actually quite cute. In a friend sort of way. Of course.

Two seconds later, I'm grabbing peters arm as a boys leg gets grabbed out of nowhere. Why do I do this to myself. I hate scary films.

I keep  hold of Peters arm, my grip tight as if holding his arm is protecting me. I can feel his tense bicep under my hand and I have to stop myself from hugging his arm entirely.

Its comforting. Okay? He's a strong guy.

By the end of the film my heart is beating rapidly and my head is rested on Peters shoulder. His fingers graze my thigh and my heart rate quickens even further.

If I have a heart attack right now I wouldn't be surprised. This is not normal. He moves his hand away so fast it's almost as if he burnt himself.

Wow. Flattering. Get your shit together Aliana, hes your best friend. I move my hand off of his arm and sit up fully as the credits begin to roll.

"Never. Again." Peter breaks the silence, a deep breath leaving his lungs.

I laugh slightly. "You say that every time." I joke, but what I was saying was only true.

"And I mean it everytime. Somehow you always find a way to get me watching them." He playfully glares at me and I roll my eyes.

"Aren't you the one who suggested a horror movie?" I quip, gaining myself a playful shove.

"You and your memory, always catching me out." He now rolls his eyes at me before we both laugh.

I sigh, "I missed you, Peter." The words slip out my mouth, every bit of them truthful and sincere.

He looks me in the eyes, "do you want to talk about it?" He asks. The simple question sends tears to my eyes already.

I can't do this...

"No." My voice comes out hoarse, barely reaching above a whisper. It sounds blunt, but it's the only word I could form.

Memories of Peter talking to me through the door every day he could, and messages on the days he couldn't flash through my mind. That's enough to send a single tear falling down my cheek.

Peters hand instantly reaches up and wipes the tear away, his touch soft. His brown eyes glued to mine.

"You know I'm always here, no matter what, right?" Peters words sound more like he's telling me, rather than asking.

I nod slightly, a lump forming in my throat preventing me from replying.

"Say it, Aliana." Peter commands. My heart flutters slightly as I hear this new side to Peter. The awkward teenage boy long gone.

"You're always here for me, no matter what." My voice come out croaky and, if it wasn't for his sincere smile and caring eyes, I would've felt embarrassed.

"When you're ready, talk to me." He says, his voice soft and commanding all in one.

I only nod, agreeing with him but mentally noting that that's something I could never do.

I can't even think about the situation fully, let alone talk about it to Peter. I appreciate him and everything he does for me, but he can't help me now. Not with this.

Peter opens his arms and I gladly take his offer of a hug. He knows exactly what I need all of the time.

Peter leans against the headboard and relocates me to lay between his legs, the back of my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around my stomach.

My body relaxes into his as he rests his chin against the top of my head. His hand slides under my top and slowly rubs my stomach.

If I didn't have butterflies before, I definitely did now. He somehow makes my heart rate fly to dangerous levels but also calms me down to the point where nothing matters anymore.

We lay like this for a while before Tiredness overtakes me. It's only around 7, but I feel like I just do an all nighter.

His protective arms still wrap around me and his hand slows down to a near stop, indicating the same tiredness has overcome him too. I slowly fall into a deep sleep, not a single worry plaguing my mind. Just peace.

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