Chapter Seven

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Yesterday, after Peter left, I didn't leave my bed. I slept and watched Netflix for most of the day. It felt like exactly what I needed.

Now, however, I feel like I was being lazy. So, this morning I decided to take use of our gym.

I haven't used it since me and Flash broke up, but I need to keep fit. I can't just lay in bed all day everyday.

I decided for a cardio day to settle into the gym, starting with the stairmaster for 20 minutes.

Even after just that I was dying. I mean my mouth was as dry as the Sahara desert and my lungs were burning up so bad. I need to work on my stamina.

And if that wasn't bad enough, my legs felt like jelly. I burnt a good couple hundred calories but that wasn't enough. So, I moved onto the treadmill after a 5 minute break.

I started with a slow walk for five minutes to ease my body into it, then ran for 5 minutes. I did this three times which burnt another couple hundred calories.

Now my body felt like it couldn't take anymore, so I knew I couldn't do anything else. I used to do this exercise like twice a day sometimes. Now I'm struggling to even do it once. I need to get it together.

I take my headphones off after a quick cool down and stretch as I hear the doorbell ring and I go to answer the door.

Whoever it is, is going to see me in my sweaty mess. At least my face isn't as red as it was when I finished on the treadmill.

I had my sports bra on and leggings and my hair was in a claw clip bun behind my head, a few messy strands falling out during my workout.

I pull the door open and my whole body freezes. What. The. Fuck.

"Aliana, how are we gorgeous." Flashes voice fills my ears, confirming what my eyes are seeing.

Before I can say anything, Flash walks into my house and pushes the door behind him, leaving it slightly ajar.

"What are you doing here flash?" I ask, confusion and annoyance both evident in my voice.

"Woah. Dont sound too excited to see me." Flash jokes as his eyes rake up and down my body making me feel uncomfortable. "Glad you're hitting the gym again, Aliana." Flash comments.

My arms instantly wrap across my body, my insecurities taking over my confidence.

"Flash. What do you want?" I say, less confident. His smirk widens at that.

"I wanted to see you gorgeous." Flash takes a step towards me. "I'm willing to forgive you for our... argument the other night." He reaches his fingers to my arm and begins to trace it all the way to my hand.

I pull away, "I don't need or want your forgiveness, Flash." I say, trying to put on a brave face.

"Oh but you do, Aliana." He says taking another step closer to me. "We always find our way back to eachother. We're good for eachother. I mean, you always look better when you're in a relationship with me. I push you to be the best you can. And look at you now. You're close Aliana. So close." He says, his eyes trailing up and down my body.

I open my mouth to say something, but I can't. He's right. I mean, when I wasn't with him, I stopped working out. I stopped trying.

"That Penis Parker boy is no good for you. Come back to me. I'll take you back. I'm saving you from regret, when you finally find out how disappointing Parker is." Flash adds and suddenly I feel a sense of rage.

"What did I say about calling him that, Flash! You can do what you want with me, make me starve, make me work out till the exhaustion wins. You can even call me names and gaslight me. But don't fucking say a bad word about Peter! Now get the fuck out of my house." This wasn't about my confidence, or my insecurities. This was about Peter. I wasn't going to let Flash say one more bad word about Peter. Not if I could do something about it.

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