Chapter 10

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As we walked down the hallway, I saw some servants spraying something all around them.

Vaping spray? Does JYP have a-

Then it hit me. The smell of rotten bodies.

And fire.

Keeho stopped in front of a room, handing me a pair of surgical gloves and a mask, before putting them on himself. More than half of his face was covered in pale blue cloth.

I ate a stick of gum as I would only smell my mint.

"Are you okay with... rotting bodies?" he asked, as his nervousness dissipated into the atmosphere.

I internally rolled my eyes. 

I'm an assassin, bitch- I create these rotten bodies.

"Yeah." I nodded.

He took a deep breath, which he immediately gagged on.

"'Kay, here we go..." He opened the door.

The first thing I noticed was that the door to the balcony was open, with white curtains dancing with the wind. Did they escape from the window? 

But the cameras...

Keeho tapped me on the shoulder, pointing to the room's depth.

There was a bed- or, what was supposed to be a bed, for now it was burnt black- with 2 naked bodies... wait what?

Did they pile up the bodies to burn them together or something?

Confused, I turned my head to see Keeho, but he wasn't there. I swiveled around to find him standing by the balcony, looking down at the street.

Okay, I guess he's the one who can't deal with rotting smells.

I looked closely. 2 naked bodies, facing each other- oh damn.

I called out to Keeho. "Hey, were they really killed while they were-"

"Yes, and don't say it, goddamnit." He said, lowering his voice.

"But you said you were going to do it to me."

"This is not the time nor place to talk about that." He gritted his teeth.

I smiled. Bet he's scarred by the word fuck now.

I moved closer to the male's head. Other than biting a piece of wood, he looked like he was dreaming, with his eyes closed. The wrinkles, the grey hair, his yellow teeth... yeah, it was definitely Dockus.

Didn't know he was a fucker though.

Stop. Focus.

I walked around the burned bed. When I got to the end of it, I saw some blood.

I blinked. did the killer really try to stab them there? 

The killer must have been pissed... but I'm sure that would have been an understatement.

Then his ass caught my eye. I glared at the author. No, rewrite it. She shook her head, moping. There was a line of blood trickling down his skin. I leaned closer.

This is wrong on so many levels.

"Does his hairy ass look that appealing to you?" Keeho asked.

"Go fuck yourself."

I heard him crying by the window, flapping his hands around.

There was a needle at the injection site, where the bleeding started.

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