Top Secret Files pt2: Codes

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I will keep updating it as I think of more (more like until I run out of my gum stack), but I'll have them here so you don't have to toggle between all these chapters to find it :)

Mafia Code Rules (Appears in Chapter 8):

Capitalized- Skip 1 letter and read the letter(s) that follow

(Do not read the letter itself unless coded to read.)

Ex: a b c d E F g h i j k l m n

= E and F are capitalized, so skip "g" and read the next 2 letters, which is "hi"

Italicized- Skip 1 word, and read the word(s) after

(Do not read the word itself unless coded to read.)

*If there's more than 1 word that is italicized next to each other, look at them as a group of italicized "words", skip 1 word, and read the number of directed words.

(Damn that's confusing... look at the "into an" part of the example.)

Ex: Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

(-Fredrich Nietzsche)

= Read as: " Monsters see. Gaze into the abyss."

Bolded- Read the word /letter.

(This one is by far the easiest.)

Ex: Time is long but life is short.

(-Steve Wonder)

= Read as: "Time is short."

NOTE: The only punctuation that matters is the period, slashes, and quotation marks- you can ignore the other ones (e.g. ignore commas, hyphens, colons, etc.)

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