Chapter 22

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I looked up to see Mrs. Dockus, holding a revolver at me a few steps away.

"I may be 86," she continued with her slow, cracked voice, "But I've survived the war."

"Well, I didn't know you had a nanny here," I told Arctic Fox. Turning to her I said, "And Mrs. Dockus, everyone here has survived the war."

"I'm no nanny– I'm simply here to pay for doing what is asked." She tapped a brown suitcase resting on the ground with her foot.

"Should you be telling me that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"That whore deserved that death– he kept lying to me about it even after we married. If that bitch can't decide who to stay with his entire life, I'll choose it for him. Besides, none of that would be your concern, since you're going to die anyways." She chuckled. "Haven't killed anyone in a real long time."

I looked back at Arctic Fox; he seemed confused. But that could be an act.

"Come on, girl, drop that knife." Mrs. Dockus said. "And don't try to whip out that gun of yours; I'll shoot you before you touch it."

I stayed still. The only time I'll ever drop this knife if when I'll be mic-dropping.

"Drop. It." She talked through her teeth.

Well, if I'm going to die, why bother to lose my pride with my life?

"Make me."

Her face searched for my face, as if for answers to my unexpected response.


"Make me– you're going to kill me anyways," I smirked.

Mrs. Dockus concentrated on my face as her two shaky hands supported the gun.


The sound vibrated off the walls, and into my chest.

Except for the bullet.

Instead, Mrs. Dockus fell forward, blood coloring the carpet royal red. The person standing behind her was...

The Leader of Snowflake Obsidian.

The last, but certaintly the most bitchy-est person I didn't want to see for the rest of my life.

"So you do have a nanny," I breathed, still smirking.

The Leader of Obsidian stepped on Mrs. Dockus's body as to not stain his shoes, as he walked toward us. The smiling theatrical mask was whiter than I have ever seen it, except for the small splatters of Mrs. Dockus's blood on the indented cheek.

That stupid ass smile.

"I admire your stupidity," he said as he came to stand right in front of me, "But without me, you would have been dead. That bitch hated her husband to guts, and she would do anything to get rid of him."

"Boss," Arctic Fox whispered.

"I admire your nonexistent admiration," I said, "But without me, you wouldn't be missing an organ."

He laughed. "I like it; see, this is why I didn't let her kill you– you could be so useful..." – He leaned over Arctic to get in my face– "If only you choose the right side."

I grabbed Arctic's hand that was reaching for The Leader's gun. The Leader pointed it at me just as fast. Looks like his reflexes haven't gotten slower, unfortunately.

"Don't you hurt him... or I will shoot you."

"Wow~ I feel... what's it called? Deja vu?" I said, scratching my ear with my other hand. "Also you just said that I was useful– you're going to waste me that fast?" I cliched my tongue. "So saddd–"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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