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Guess who lost the The paintball games.

Yep we lost,
So the only thing I'm focused on right now is prank week and the scavenger hunt.

"Babe aren't you
Excited where
Going to Italy"
Mom squeal.

"Please stop bragging already," I Said Mom hasn't stopped talking About her sweet victory.

"Well I have all the right too, i told you we'll win" She laughed enjoying her victory
And doing a wired dance.

I laughed when dad
Joined her dancing
"No kids no problems freedom" Both of them

"Oh wow I didn't know you wanted to get away from us so much"

"We love you honey but guys drive us crazy, you're all old enough to live on your own, but you're still here,
why are you guys still here"Mom complained.

"It's because we love you,
And Mom I'm not jealous
instead, I'm glad you're
getting a vacation you
guys deserve it."
I smiled seeing
their eyes filled with joy.

"Awn thanks baby girl"
She gave me a kiss
on the cheek.

"Now if you excuse
Me I got to go pack my stuff" She skipped all the way upstairs

"Aurelia Don't pack the whole house" He joked.

The trip isn't even today.
"She's happy" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah she is"
Dad had that genuinely
A warm smile on his
Face as he watches
She skipped all the way upstairs.

I rolled my eyes at the love-sick puppy I call my father.

"Yo sis whatcha doing" Blaze grinned having
That mischievous glint
He always has it in his eyes.

"Are you here to
Annoy me?"I asked.

His probably bored

"I'm changing my phone and bored so
I'm here sitting
beside as you
watch Anime"
His voice was so bubbly.
He seems happy today.

"Awn he miss his sis,
Isn't that cute"
I rolled my eyes.

"You could go
Help your mom pack"
Dad suggested.

"A hard pass"
We all laughed knowing
How mom likes
Her things in a
Specific way
And she goes a
Little crazy when
They aren't where
She wants them to be.

"Would you quit
Poking me?"
I snapped at a very
Annoying blaze.

"I'm bored "
He whined.

"Stop being melodramatic that's Aiden thing"
I hissed shoving him
Away from me
Trying to go back
To what I was watching.

"Why don't you join me and Ace, where going hunting later," Dad said.

"Seriously I can't wait"Blaze brimmed.

"Please take your
affection away from me"

"Awn is my little
Baby sister jealous"
Seriously jealous I
don't get jealous.

You could
Show me some love
By lending me your
Car for a day."
I did my cute and
Adorable face.

Pretty please!"
I begged.

"No the last time I "lend"
You my car, You
Drove it off a cliff,
Now Dad got me
A new one and I'm
Never let it go to
You car killer"
He whined.

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