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I've admitted defeat and surrendered in the cooking challenge. Who was I fooling? I'm hardly a culinary maestro, I cook only once a season.

Yet, Hayden remains undeterred. He insists on a rematch this Sunday. Why won't he let me maintain some semblance of dignity?

As I bow my head in embarrassment, a brilliant idea emerges. I've discovered the missing piece of my puzzle; it's been right in front of me all this time. Finally, victory will be mine.


"So, to clarify, you want me to impersonate a psychopath who's kidnapped you as a prank, all to win a family game?" He questions, looking bewildered.

"Absolutely. We could use ropes, or better yet, chains to bind me in a grimy basement littered with dried blood. I can't wait. It's not merely a family game; it's war," I reply, my smile reflecting my delight at the idea.

I'm eccentric. Get used to it.

"You're insane!"

"I know! Isn't it wonderful?"

"But seriously, you can't expect me to agree," he stated firmly.

"Why not?" I inquired, hoping to change his mind.

"Sage, the answer is no, and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise," He replied, showing no signs of budging.

I let out an exasperated sigh and nervously chewed on my bottom lip.

"Please," I pleaded. "Pretty please?"

"Nope," he responded, resolute in his decision.

Feeling frustrated, I huffed and tried a different tactic. "There's a prize involved, and I could give you half," I attempted to bribe him.

He shook his head, refusing my offer. "I don't care about the prize."

Undeterred, I painted a vivid picture for him. "Imagine this: I'm innocent, minding my own business, when a reckless drunk driver hits me, leaving me with a broken arm. Tragic, isn't it?"

He defended himself, saying, "I wasn't drunk, just slightly distracted."

I couldn't help but smile. "That's not what my cast says," I teased.

Curious, he raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you trying to manipulate me, Sage?"

I chuckled, finding him amusing.
"Darling, I'm not trying to; I am." I playfully pulled his face towards mine, gazing into his eyes.

As he stared back at me, it felt like his gaze was piercing through my soul.
I suddenly felt flushed, my cheeks turning red. Realizing the intensity of the moment, I quickly let go and moved back, creating some space between us.

"Fine, if I must," he grumbled, reluctantly agreeing.

"Really, thank you, thank you! You won't regret it," I sang happily, expressing my gratitude.

"Now, we need to plan meticulously. No slip-ups. Got that, soldier?" I said, shifting the conversation to the task at hand.

"It's just a one or two-day prank, right?" he questioned, seeking clarification.

"Absolutely," I lied, trying to reassure him.

"Sage..." he trailed off, clearly skeptical.

"I promise. Now, do you happen to have a creepy basement?" I asked, grinning mischievously.



"I thought you said it was a creepy basement," Sage whines.

"I didn't sa-ahh, never mind." I had explicitly told her I have a normal basement. Normal!

"Hmm, I could make it work," she muses, chewing her bottom lip.

"Hayden, come over here, please," She beckons, pulling me to her side.


"Tell me what you see?" She asks. That's unsettling.

"Uh, I see a bucket and a lot of stuff that needs to be discarded."

"Exactly, we can transform this place into a slaughterhouse," She giggles.

"No, wait, Sage, that's not what I-"

"You're right, Hayden. We do need more hostages. I'll go round up more people."

"I feel like you're not listening to-"

"You're right. I'm sorry...."

"Thank you. Finally, you're lis-"

"Sorry, I thought I was the crazy one, but Hayden, you're the real deal. You devil, we just need to kidnap more people," She grins before heading back upstairs.

"No, Sage, come back. You're not listening, and that worries me." She didn't hear a single word I said.

I sigh and follow her upstairs.
If you can't beat them, join them, and pray you don't end up in jail or worse, dead.

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