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Sage POV

The present

I groan loudly,
rubbing my eyes.
My body hurts all over, and I'm also hungry.

I open my eyes, immediately regretting it as I'm blinded by a bright light.

Am I dead?
Is this the afterlife?
Is that why my body is in pain and there's a bright light? Oh,
I have a lot of things I haven't done,
like winning prank week, finishing college,
or going to jail
(I'm not so sure about this one).

I haven't paid Blaze the money I owe him
(okay, I don't mind not doing this one).

I accept my fate and try opening my eyes again, but slower this time so they can adjust to the light.

I see a figure in the light.

"Grandpapa, is that you?" I squint my eyes trying to see well.

Where are my glasses?
I can't see a damn thing, my vision is all blurry, and my eyes start to sting.
Sometimes my eyes go blank, but they usually come back.
I thought I'd be able to see well in the afterlife.
I'm quite surprised I'm in heaven.

I close my eyes for a few minutes, then open them again.
Much better.
But I still need my glasses.

Hmm, turns out I wasn't dead, just in the hospital.

I might have overreacted a little.

I lift my arms, examining my now casted arm.

And the figure I saw was Hayden.
Now that I can see his face, His appearance is striking with his wild, tousled, and soft-looking curly red hair that seems to be inviting to touch.
His cute nose sits perfectly on his face, accentuated by his radiant, blooming complexion, which is adorned with fetching sprays of adorable freckles on his cheeks and nose.
I can't help but admire his beautiful lips, which look so plump and tempting. And, oh my, his height is impressive, and He had an average amount of muscles in his body.

After taking a closer look, I can now see the potential that I didn't notice yesterday.

Hmm, he looks so stressed. He was typing aggressively with a frown planted on his face, staring intensely at his phone and cursing.

I'm here creepily staring at him, and I'm sure he'll be a little bit creeped out to see me staring at him, but I can't help it.
He suddenly turns towards me and curses, startled.

"Shit! Sage, don't be scaring me like that," Hayden speaks, putting his phone in his pocket and staring at me.

"I see you're awake," he says.

"Yeah," I say, preoccupied with his beautiful dark stormy grey eyes.
How am I only noticing them now?

"Who are you?" I joke.

"Sage, it's me, Hayden," he raises his brow, confused.

"Who's Sage?" I giggle.
I couldn't hold it.

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