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"I'm sorry for ever doubting you," She choked taking a long sip of water to cleanse the awful taste out.

Feeling a heavy sense of guilt, I mustered the courage to confess,
"And I'm sorry for running you over with my car. I should have apologized yesterday."
My heart was filled with remorse.

Despite the gravity of the situation, she managed to smile and say,
"It's fine, I'm alive."

I couldn't believe that she had survived with just a broken arm and a scratch on her head.
It was difficult to wrap my head around the fact that she hadn't ended up hospitalized or in a coma.

"Oh don't worry this isn't my first time breaking a limb
I have a lot of brothers,
And I was lucky this time "She grinned,
How many does she mean by a lot?
Lucky how.

"Oh I see, and here's your food"I set down a beautiful plate of spaghetti and drizzled some sauce on it.
I smiled satisfied with my masterpiece.

"Looks nice,
I hope it won't kill me" She joked eyeing the food before me.

"I promise you this is going to be the best thing you'll ever taste,
You'll be begging for more"
I Bragg.

"My mouth will be the judge of that Mr" She took a taste and her eyes lit up.

"So how was it"I asked when she was done.

"Hmm although it's scrumptious,
have tasted better" She did a full British accent.

"How dare you," I gasped shocked.

"I beg to differ, my food is the best in the world" I joined with my not-so-great accent.

"Well I for one disagree" she giggled.

"Well there was once a time when the queen herself had crowned me the best chef in England" I joked.

"Oh really?
Because you might be out of practice,
I wasn't impressed by your meal at all young man,
I could even prepare a meal that's far better than yours with just one hand" she dared being a bit boastful.

"You “young lady” got yourself a challenge" I  announced, She thinks she can cook better than me, game on.

"Wait what?
I was only pulling your legs" she laughed nervously.

"Well the deed has been done, you can't back out now" I smirked

"How do you expect me to cook with a broken arm" I asked.

All I hear are excuses.

"That's your problem,
You're the one who said you could cook with one hand" I  laughed enjoying my victory.



I wanted to leave about an hour ago but Hayden insisted I stayed the night cause it was late.
So now I'm surfing through the fricking internet looking for how to
cook with a broken arm,
It didn't go well I couldn't do anything it showed me.

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