Chapter four: "I never told you my name."

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Rebecca was home alone during the evening since Billy was out doing god knows what with Stu. Well, she wasn't alone since she had church with her, but she wasn't gonna be alone for long.

Billy was coming over once he was done with whatever he was doing. They were going to watch a movie, and Rebecca was setting up, so it could be ready for when Billy arrived.

As she was in the kitchen preparing something to eat, when the phone rang.

The shrill of the phone ringing echoed all over the quiet house, and Rebecca walked over, picking up the phone and answering it.

"Hello?" She answered, walking back into the kitchen.

Church lazily walked into the kitchen, letting out a small yawn.

"Hello." The voice sounds eerie, and Rebecca couldn't help but shiver a bit.

"Yes, who is this?" She questioned as she went to grab some fat food to feed Church.

"Who's this?" The person questioned, and Rebecca crouched down, serving church the food.

"I think you have the wrong number." Rebecca said, standing up and throwing away the empty can of cat food into the trash.

"Do i?"

"Yeah. It happens."

"Can we talk? I like hearing your voice."

"Don't you have someone to call?"

"No, not be honest, I was just gonna call random numbers, and see who picks up."

Rebecca chuckled ,"I see. How was that going?"

"Pretty bad until you picked up. I count myself lucky."

"Oh, do you? Well, I have a bit of time to talk, pass the boredom."

"Are you home alone?"


"Hm, that's good, it's bad for a girl like you to be home alone."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He suddenly questioned, and Rebecca hummed, a smile appearing on her face as she thought about Billy.

"Yeah, I do. He's actually coming over soon, and we're gonna watch a movie."

"Movie, huh? What kind of movie?"

"Hm, either my bloody valentine or bride of chucky."

"Horror movies, nice choice of genre, say, What's your favorite scary movie?"

"Pet cemetery. Yours?"

"Guess." He playfully replied

"Hmm?, Carrie?"

"Carrie? That was a good movie."

"Oh, yeah, Carrie was definitely a badass."

"Hell yeah, she was! I'm been telling that to my best friend, and he told me that Carrie was just some psycho bitch, but he just doesn't understand."

"He said that?"

"Yeah. He's a jerk,"

"Say, what was your name again?"

"I never told you my name."

"Well, why don't you tell me."

"Why would you want to know my name?"

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