Chapter 4 - The Streets

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I tripped over my aching feet, shuddering on the cold ground. Rain began to fall, something I had only seen a couple of times before, it wasn't often that it rained in hell. I took a sharp breath in and got up, the rain wet my clothes and hair, leaving small dots of water all over me. The flashy lights from the estate reflected off my soaked skin; the mix of this purple and blue was apparent for miles. If I were to truly get away, it would mean I would run until this color drained from view.

I clenched my fists and started my sprint again, my legs in so much pain that I could already feel the new bruises coming in. But, nonetheless, I continued running.

The slight drizzle turned to pouring, and my damp clothes now seemed drenched under the heavy rain. I panted as I ran out of breath, my vision tunneling, alarming me, threatening me with the unmistakable: passing out. I had to stop soon, but I had to get far from here first, otherwise, this whole damn thing would've been for nothing. After another 5 minutes of straight but sprinting, I stopped for a rest in a relatively empty alley. As I inhaled deeply, my mouth felt like a desert.

I stayed for only a little, and when I this alley I made sure to be cautious of the areas around me. I still grasped the stone from before as comfort. There were a lot of people in the main streets, but the crowd was densest where the people flocked, by a TV. I squeezed through some demons, trying to get a better view. There was something about the slight glow from the screen that made me want to see more and to watch for as long as it was on.

As I crept my way to the front, people shoved me aside but I managed. That's when I saw it. The screens displayed a moving image that looked so real, so real like it was a portal to the place where it was filmed. One screen displayed what appeared to be an interview where a young girl lost it on camera. It seemed to be the talk of the town, as everyone around me hushed to each other things like "Such an embarrassment to hell," and "No wonder her father is nowhere to be seen, I mean, just look at her."

Meanwhile, on the other screen, there, shining and burning my eyes was a tour of a mysterious hotel. "A place for second chances!" The tiny people in the moving picture said with big, bright smiles as they continued. "The Hazbin Hotel, founded by the princess herself, its a safe sp–"

My hearing became deafened when the other demons started to shout at the TV. I covered my ears and looked around. These people are crazy! And not to mention potentially dangerous. I watched them for years from my tiny little window, watched as they murdered each other and drugged each other, sparing no mercy. Was it really a good idea to leave the estate? Maybe he kept me all this time to ensure my safety.

Suddenly those thoughts flooded in and I tuned out their shouts. The memories of him beating me, starving me, using me... touching me.

I shivered and shook my head, earning a couple of odd glances from neighboring people. I was not going to think of that, not now, not ever. I left that place for a reason! I left for another chance, or at least anything remotely close to that.

The demons began to trash the station, yelling out slurs at the many TVs that stood on top of each other. Some had bats, others just used their plain, brute strength. I wonder if I could do any damage, but then again, I've never been that strong.

I glanced down at my arms; they were scrawny and almost nothing but entirely skin and bone. If it weren't for the little bit of strength I had from helping Miss Lanthe around with chores then I wouldn't have been able to stay alive for this long, but now that I'm out, I need to be able to protect myself. Just look at those demons! They can tear apart whole fucking TV's like it was child's play! If I mess with only one of them I'd die for sure.

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