Chapter 10 - Growth.

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You good there?" That deep, flat voice spoke, causing me to sit up nice and straight.

"Yes," I said, looking down at that bright card still. I glanced up at her, "Oh, Vaggie, I just wanted to thank you for this."

"If anyone deserves a thank-you it's Charlie. It was her idea," Vaggie smiled and I noticed something a little odd. She didn't have sharp teeth like the rest of us did, and her hair was long and white. Something about her reminded me of Carmilla Carmine in a way: both women with a powerful glimpse to them.

"Of course it was," I got off of the chair, dusting myself off, "I'm surprised she got everyone to sign it though. I thought for sure Husk would've bitched about it."

"He did," Vaggie chuckled, "But, she has a way with her words, like she can persuade anyone, more or less." She looked over her shoulder, back at Charlie, "I love her so much."

I knew she was Charlie's girlfriend, but then what would that make her? Part of the staff? One of the guests? A few moments of silence passed, "What exactly do you do here at this hotel?" I asked.

"Me? Oh, I protect this place," Vaggie boasted, flexing her arm in the process. It was toned, yet still womanly in many ways, like the way a rose has thorns but still holds its beauty. It was not like anything I had thought getting stronger looked like. "Well, more like I protect Charlie. Alastor is the one that tends to keep this place chaos-free."

I stared in admiration, he helped? Well, I guess that is what a hotelier does, especially down here in hell. Not to mention he really saved my ass back there, so it doesn't seem out of character. But, why did he deny helping me? Was he trying to be selfless?... He helped me feel like someone who could hold their own. I'd remember that forever. Thank you, Alastor.

To achieve my goal, I need to follow these two in every way. They will be my role models and I will be their fan. Loyal and true, I'll stick to their side until the day comes that I can be by myself. I swear to anything, once I can kill someone I will go for his fucking head.

"Could you train me?" I asked. It was the first step I needed to take if I wanted to get up towards the top. Going for him while I'm so weak would be stupid, but if I catch him by surprise, when I'm strong and undefeatable, he wouldn't see it coming. Valentino is too dense to think about anything else except sex, let alone his little 'doll', that sick and lanky shitbag he used to boss around could possibly even hurt him. If I lure him in... No! That would never work. He owns your soul, dammit! One word and I can't do anything.

But, what if he doesn't know it's me..?

"I'm not sure," she said, her gaze slowly averting to the floor. "I would, but I'm not the best at talking, let alone training another person. My ways are a bit intense for some people, too."

"Please," I dropped the sincerity in my voice, all that could be heard was pure desperation. I needed her to. I needed both Alastor and Vaggie to make sure the chance I had was at the highest it could possibly be. "I don't care if it's intense. I really just want to get in shape."

"I-i mean.. I guess." She shrugged. "We can start your training, but you'll have to wake up early to go on runs with me. I would do it later in the day, but Charlie and I do the redemption exercise plans at breakfast so we would only have time before then."

This was going to happen?

There was a surge of something going through me, adrenaline? Excitement? Fear? Or was it simply anticipation? It made me feel energized and strangely happy. I wanted this so bad, and now that unrealistic dream of mine was possible. I could make it up there. The only issue was, he was an overlord. I'm just a sinner, but I know I can go up the ranks. How do I do that though? All of this hurts my head, dammit.

Going up the Ranks (Alastor X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz