Chapter 11 - Selfish or Selfless?

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The mix of actual excitement and sickness made me dizzy, but I forced myself to crack a smile, curling my stiff lips upwards to seem friendly. Don't think. Don't think. Don't think–

"What part of town?" I asked, my head pounding with aggression and threats that I suppressed, telling myself it had no effect. Part of me hoped we were going to cannibal town, where that blonde, sunken-in angel, Rosie, was. I missed that place despite the terrifying residents that looked like they would kill you in a moment, but really wouldn't bite. They were all sweet, just like her.

"A part I bet you've never been before! It's the highlight of Hell, so basically imagine a miniature Vegas," Angel prattled, moving his four hands in big exaggerated motions as he talked about the flashing neon lights. "Oh, it's just the greatest! If you've thought you knew hell before, then just wait til ya see this! There is so much to buy, and a lot of stuff to snort," He laughed and both Alastor and Charlie shot him a glance.

I've only ever seen a place like that once; when I was running. It sounded exactly like that blurry memory, the only thing I could recall was the sense of desperation and the urge to keep running. If Angel is who I think he is, then there's no way that he would go anywhere near that place, near the estate. I mean, it's possible since he technically didn't work there, but I don't want to think about this right now. I need to make sure my thoughts don't wander to Val.

"If it has lights then why are we going during the day?" I took another bite of Jambalaya to calm my nerves. I would much rather think of the pain of the spicy pricks on my tongue than anything related to that man, "Wouldn't it be better at night?"

Angel chuckled a little, "Well, we would go at night and I'll agree – it was like a million times better – but we have to take Niffty with us, and last time she got caught up with that environment and drinks it did not end well." He shivered and Niffty looked around like an airhead, unaware of anything around her as she scurried around chasing bugs.

His eyes followed her movement with a gentle look, "It's just a precaution for her, but y'know I'll take you to the club one of these days," Angel winked.

"Enough of that," Alastor added, his monotone voice contrasting harshly against Angels. It was like the static in a broken Radio, something so unpleasant to hear after a lovely song from a live concert.

Al stood up and left, on his plate the Jambalaya was completely gone and so was the pie; however, the soup seemed untouched as the bowl was full and steam still heaved off. His drink sat still, not a sip taken out of the filled cup: from the stench that followed him, it seemed it might've been a second glass, though. The strong lovely aroma of something a bit like sweet bark trailed after Alastor as he plain out left everyone without saying anything more. I don't blame him, he seems like a gentleman and Angel's way of speech was a bit... crude.

"Well, if it's in the day," He won't be there, "I guess there's no issue. Especially so early." He has work. Val isn't going to be there, he isn't going to be anywhere close.

"Oh, sweet!" Angel grinned, his singular golden tooth shining a bit brighter than his smile. This sounded like a fun experience anyway, and besides, I love seeing outside! It's gorgeous out there and who knows, maybe I can even buy a few things at the stores. There's bound to be something I would like! What if I find a botany book? Oh, what if I find Miss Lanthe's favorite flower? I'll be in a big group, too, so we won't catch a lot of attention. Friends go out to that part of town frequently, I would assume, so if anything it gives me more cover and insight on how things work in Hell. Being locked in that estate narrowed my perspective, and if I want to kill Val then I need to see all of Hell, get to know the people: the ones on the inside. With connections, I would be unstoppable! I think... Maybe this outing could be a lot better than I thought.

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