Chapter 8 - The Prep

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My body felt light, all of the pressure from when I was using my legs was gone. They were still sore, but only when I moved them. I rubbed my eyes groggily, was that Charlie I heard? She was talking about the party, the welcome party. I didn't want to miss that, she was so excited for me to meet everyone else! But, I'm so sleepy. Maybe I'll feel less tired once I wake up and move around a little.

I didn't know what I was expecting to see once I opened my eyes, but Alastor definitely was not what I thought of. That means those hands I felt were... oh jeez.

"Holy fucking shit," I blurted out and Alastor looked down at me, his grin wide yet relaxed. I did not want to be carried, especially not by him, but I didn't feel as uncomfortable as I thought I would.

"Hm, you're finally awake," He said and the clanks of Charlie's high heels came closer too.

I saw Charlie and her face was in a fit of emotion: her brows were brought up slightly and her eyes seemed tense with a tinge of worry. She spoke softly, "Y/N! How do you feel? Are you okay?"

"I mean, I feel fine." I blinked a couple of times, "What even happened?" I asked, trying to remember, but I couldn't think straight.

"You blacked out after smashing that demon's head, don't you recall it?" Alastor butted in and I could feel his body move ever so slightly when he laughed in pure amusement.

I thought for a moment, but I could only remember pieces of what happened. We were heading home when those weird guys showed up, one of them with a bat, and I froze up. I couldn't do anything but stand still while I let myself get hurt. But, that was impossible because I didn't feel any aches that could've come from a bat, only the ones that came from when he 'punished' me and then my prolonged running. I must've not been hit by a bat... but then how did we get away?

It took a few seconds but I realized something. I looked up at Al. "Are you okay?" I wasn't the one that got hit, it was Alastor.

"Hm?" He seemed completely unbothered.

"You," I wiggled out of his grasp and he put me down on the ground. "You got hit with a damn bat."

He shook his head, "I don't know what you're talking about. You must be still out of it, why don't you take a seat?"

Alastor, why are you doing this? You got hit like two different times there's no way you're just 'fine and dandy' after that! "What? No. I know what happened."

"You were able to fight off that tall one by yourself, my dear. I was not involved."

Charlie watched us go back and forth before she placed her hands on her hips and added: "We can situate what happened later, okay? For now, let's just go to the main room. The party will start soon and we have a lot of food to make!"

"Fine," I shrugged and Alastor just chuckled to himself again. There is something seriously wrong with that man.

Charlie led the way to the kitchen in the back and as we passed by the main room I noticed a lot more than I did last time I was here. There were a ton of stalls, most of them empty, but the bar was nicely lit up with neon signs and there stood what appeared to be the passed-out bartender. He was a cat and reeked of booze as we walked by.

The hotel looked less and less finished as we got further into it, closer to the kitchen. It was just past a white door, like those in restaurants, paired with the circular window with a black rim.

"Everyone is in there, you ready?" She asked, looking back at me. "They can be a bit much at times, but they have good intent! Have fun!"

I nodded and she pushed open the door. I was blinded for a second due to the bright lights, but after a little my vision cleared. There were four people inside: a white spider sitting on the counter; a snake happily talking to them; Niffty; and a girl with an X over her eye. They were all turned away and didn't seem to notice us at first, but Charlie spoke up and drew their attention to us.

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