Chapter 9 - Jambalaya

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I watched him from a distance, waiting for a good moment to come in. He was busy cooking and I didn't want to accidentally cause him to burn something or forget an ingredient. I noticed that he had taken off his red suit jacket, leaving it to hang on his staff which leaned on a nearby wall.

As if he had eyes in the back of his head, he seemed to know I was there. "Y/N. What are you doing over here?" He asked without turning to face me. "Did you need a bowl?"

He was referring to the bowls and plates on the top shelf above him and his station. I shook my head, but quickly realized he wouldn't see it. "No, I'm just here to spend some time with you."

"But you already know me," He turned down the heat on the stove and finally spun around to face me. His apron already had grime on it, probably from using the seasonings and wiping his hands off on himself. "Besides, I'm basically done with what I'm doing so there's no point. Just choose someone else to 'spend time' with."

"I don't want to bug them," I said, glancing at the two. While Vaggie wasn't paying attention, Charlie kissed her cheek and Vaggie's grey skin flushed slightly pink; certainly not something you would expect to see from someone who came off as reserved and nonchalant as her. 

"They're having their own thing over there." I finished, taking a peek at what was in his pan. It was just some sausages and other meat, barely halfway cooked. "Are you sure you're all good?"

"I doubt you know how to even make this, let alone help me. Go off to the snake, you haven't talked to him yet," Alastor persisted, looking over at the rice in the bowl next to him.

"Well, you could teach me," I shrugged and his eyes widened a little. He had just stopped altogether; however, his always-present smile was still going nowhere.

Radio static blared quietly for a moment; I couldn't tell if it was coming off of him or his cane. "Teach you?" He blurted out. "Like teach you how to make Jambalaya?"

"I mean yeah..." Why was he being so weird? "If it's a problem then we don't have to, it's okay," I assured, waving my hands in the air. I was just hoping it could be like the times I cooked with Miss Lanthe. The quickest way to help me get used to these people was to treat and view them the same way I did her. It was for the best, even if it felt wrong sometimes since he was, after all, a man.

"I suppose that's fine." He paused, that noisy sound of feedback calming down to absolute silence, "It's a little quiet in here, no? Give me just a second, my dear."

"Uh okay..?"

Without saying anything else, Alastor was out the door. He took off, and for what? I was so confused as I just stood there, wondering what the hell just happened. He even left his food on the stove! Seriously, he doesn't think, does he?

Shaking my head I grabbed the pan and took it off of the stove, turning the heat completely off before placing the warm pan on the counter. The food inside smelled a bit intense; I've never really played around with spices much and this was certainly nothing like I've ever had before.

"Ex-ssscuse me Miss Y/N," the familiar slow voice lisped out as he came up to me, "Angel Duss-st told me to bring thi-sss to you." He held out a little card.

"He ssss-aid that it was-ss from everyone here," though the heavy accent was thick and full of attitude, I knew he was at least trying his best.

I smiled and thanked him as I took it. The card had a bunch of drawn-on confetti and doodles all over it in bright colors. It read: "Happy First Day!"

I opened the card and there was a bit of writing from everyone.

It's so great to have you at the hotel! You're stunning and I hope this place can help you on your path to redemption!

Going up the Ranks (Alastor X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now