The Musician (BNHA OC)

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->Akkai Sayotara<-
Mirio Togata
Nejire Hado
Tamaki Amajiki
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Table of Contents;

01: -> General Information <-

"Don't let anyone tell you hard work can't overcome natural talent!"

Name: Akkai Sayotara

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Age: 18

D.O.B: August 18th

Height: 6 feet/ 72 inches

Weight: 155 pounds

Contact Information: 07-xxx-xxx-xxx

Appearance: See Provided Photo (Side note: Photo was provided by the Hero she interned with. Don't ask me, man. I just work here)

02: -> Hero Information <-

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02: -> Hero Information <-

"YOU'RE MAKING THIS TOO EASY! It's like I'm reading your filthy score from it's sheet!"

Quirk Name: Playing From the Ear

Quirk Description: Please refer to her personal interview as catalogued by Principal Nezu

"I just... hear things differently, y'know? Words, sounds, animals. I hear it all as like, musical notes." She took a visible pause, sipping her water. "Had to learn how to understand sound all over again since I was three." Miss Akkai paused again before smiling widely. "But it's totally kick ass! If I can figure their internal melody out, and how they use it I can counter with the same melody!"

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