The Burdened (Marvel Villain Oc)

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"Whatever it takes

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"Whatever it takes. No one knows what that means until you truly do whatever it takes."

Name: Korra. No last name

Age: Appears to be in her mid 20's, actually 67

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Appearance: ^Above^

Pronouns: She/Her

D.O.B: May 1st 1993

Height: 6 feet/ 72 inches

Weight: 162 pounds

Personality: Initially, in her early life, she appeared to have some charisma as she managed to perform and talk her way up the chain of command. Now she's the quiet, brooding type. Any smile she once was able to muster being long gone, not even having laugh lines on her face anymore.

Profession: Ten Rings Solider (Formerly), Rogue Villain (Currently)

Likes: Her family, or at least the memory of them. There's little more observed that gets her to show joy anymore

Dislikes: Anything and anyone that poses the remote chance of being anobstacle to her goal

Backstory: In this timeline, in this world... Shang Chi abandoning his father, failing to come back to his sister... it changed something within the over 1,000 year old war lord. He had lost his wife due to his willingness to put down his rings, yet he had lost his son due to his iron grasp on their lives after her passing.

Yet the time with Ying Li had humanised Wenwu, "The Mandarin", enough to where he had devoted his attention to his last remaining family member. His daughter: Xialing. He would not raise her as one would a normal child, however his goal was not to turn her into a soldier neither.

He tutored her on how to fight, yet when she got hurt he was there to clean her wounds and affix bandages to her. It wasn't something he was good at, being a father without Li by his side however he seemed to do well enough.

As Xialing grew, she became respected within the organisation. Of course for being the leader's daughter, but also as a capable and strong person in her own right. There was one however, one who respected her but not out of fear, listened to her but not out of duty.

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