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God, she's so cute. After me and Lilly got back to the village she offered to for dinner which I promptly refused because of howich she gas given me already and instead paid for it myself, I didn't have much money as I don't have a job in this world but ever since Lilly started visiting me she would give me a few coins each day for "future expenses" whatever that could mean... But hey it's money so I ain't Complaining.

Liam looked into Lilly's eyes as they awaited their food from the fancy restaurant that they were eating at.

"Stop being all googly-eyed, people might think we're dating," Lilly said jokingly.

"Oh sorry, your eyes are just really pretty," Liam said shaking his head and looking away.

Lilly's pointed ears dropped down and her cheeks blushed a bright red.

"You- you can't just say that," Lilly said covering her face flustered.

"It's just a friendly compliment," Liam replied.

No, it's not, I genuinely think she's really pretty.

"It better be, I would be super weird for my student to like me..." Lilly replied a little uncomfortable by the situation.

"I'm not your student anymore, but yeah that would be weird..." Liam said hiding his true feelings.

"Liam... Do you..." Lilly began to speak before stopping herself.

She's on to me...

"Does it even matter if I do or don't?" Liam said with a little bit of pain in his voice.

"I... I'm sorry Liam... I just don't know..." Lilly said stumbling over her words.

"It doesn't matter, my feelings never mattered, I never mattered." Liam's words erupted from his mouth with a mix of pain and sadness.

Dammit... What came over me...

"I'm... Sorry..." Lilly mumbled feeling terrible about unintentionally rejecting Liam.

"It doesn't matter-" Liam said slamming enough coins on the table to cover the bill before storming off.

I wanted to apologize but my body would not let me convey my true emotions, it was almost as if I was on autopilot.

Liam ran towards the inn and once he got there he paid for all the nights he stayed there and left with his belongings.

I don't know how far I ran but I just knew I couldn't anymore, my knees gave out and I collapsed onto the hard ground somewhere deep inside the Nevergard Forest. I still couldn't figure out why I reacted like that but damn... I feel childish.

Liam rolled onto his back and stared up at the tree branches that blocked the sky.

I don't know if I should hate myself or hate my body for reacting without my input... It doesn't matter anymore though the damage has been done and now just like in my previous life, I'm left with nothing but the voices in my head and the tears rolling down my face. Nothing but the thought of Lilly crossed my mind, I wanted to go back and apologize but I physically couldn't move. It was almost as if someone had me chained to the ground.

Liam felt a rush of colder wish blow across his body as his eyes started to force themselves shut, he wasn't tired nor on the verge of death his eyes just forced themselves closed.

I can't be dying this soon, I've only been in this world for a couple of weeks...

Liam felt a very small almost wet object hit his forehead.

Life Again: Gale ResurrectionWhere stories live. Discover now