First Adventure As A Guild

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I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't for my first adventure as a guild to be this boring.

Liam wandered through the forest looking for one of the two Elementals that the task he took called for.

I wonder how Ariya is doing, she didn't listen to the bartender when she was explaining how to kill an Elemental. Which is surprisingly simple, you just need to find the core and either remove it or destroy it.

Liam kept walking through the forest watching carefully for any abnormalities in the environment such as smoke or burnt trees.

I need to think of something that can extinguish the fire, currently, I only know wind magic... And last time I went up against someone with fire magic...

Liam slapped himself to clear his mind before he started thinking about Lilly whom he was currently trying to forget about for his own good, the memories of her only hurt him currently and now he has Ariya.

"I should look for water, I could try and lure the fire elemental into the water then crush the core once the fire dies off," Liam said to himself as he picked up his pace and continued looking for signs of the Elemental.

After a little jogging, Liam stumbled across the Elemental sitting on a rock peacefully as the fire spread around the forest around it.

It looks so peaceful, but I have a job to do...

Liam picked up a rock and threw it at the still Elemental.

The rock passed through the Elemental and hit the ground in front of it.

The Elemental stood up and turned around to look at Liam, the flames around its body conforming to the rough shape of a nude female.

The Elemental let out a cry of pain as it began to run at Liam.


Liam tried to move out of the way but memories of Lilly and the fire flooded his mind and made it impossible to think clearly and move.

The Elemental's hand touched Liam's sweatshirt causing it to burn.

Why can't I forget about her?

Liam blinked, regaining control of his body and quickly moving away from the Elemental.

"BURN-" The Elemental screeched at Liam as it continued to chase him.

Liam turned around and began running away while looking around for water to lure the Elemental into.

Why the hell is it so fast?

Liam quickly channeled magic into his feet as he ran.

"Summon Gale, Speed Boost. " Liam said as the air around his feet began to swirl allowing him to propel himself forward as he ran.

The extra wind also made the fire that the Elemental was creating burn hotter and spread quicker.

That didn't go as intended...

The Elemental chased Liam as he ran through the forest towards a small pond.

Liam noticed the pond and started running faster to it.

"Incoming Fog!" Liam said while channeling magic into his feet which created a layer of fog that made it almost impossible to see.

Liam's eyes began to change to the cloud pattern that often appears when he uses magic, this time the awakening granted him the ability to see through the fog as if it wasn't there.

The Elemental screeched again as it ran through the fog blindly.

With his newfound ability to see through the fog, Liam moved out of the way and let the Elemental run right into the small pond that was behind him.

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