Chapter 24

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"And that's all there ever really was," My voice came, from in front of us. We were about ten yards from the edge of the next forest, and I walked forward.

My eyes scanned the empty horizon as I inched closer, creeping towards where I had heard the sound. It was now, or never.

Suddenly, the breath was hot in my ear as she materialized. "Your family is all here because they were told they were supposed to be. Does anyone really want you?"

I turned, gasping sharply as I saw myself. I looked horrible, my hair every which way and my eyes a deep, unnerving red. It was not the black pits I had seen in the others, and I wondered if they had also seen their own eyes in their shadow. It gave me a sense of intense unease in the pit of my stomach.

"If they were assigned to me, it was for a reason," I fought, backing up.

My shoe caught on a rock sticking out of the ground. I tumbled backwards, and the Not-me laughed cruelly.

"You're just going to do my job for me then, aren't you?" She purred. "I would expect nothing less. You're weak, incompetent, and only serve yourself. I wonder what your dear old mother would think, if she could see you now?"

"My mom is right there," I snarled, trying not to let the tears fill my eyes as I pointed towards Bethany. My mind flickered back to the scratch on Clyde's hand.

"And I love you!" Bethany shouted.

"She loves you because she's supposed to." Not-Me snarled, crouching down. I was crawling backwards, scraping the palms of my hands against the earth as I tried to move myself away. The way she was moving towards me could only be described as stalking; like I was prey.

"You don't really want to exist," She said, "You don't like feeling like a pawn in an infernal game. You're not ready for what they expect you to go through. Didn't you hear Maddie's other?"

"They wouldn't put me through something I'm not ready for." I argued. She lunged forward, grabbing my leg.

She didn't need a weapon. She had claws.

She raked them down my skin as I cried out, the claws cutting through the fabric of my jeans like it was butter. I forced myself to stay still, knowing that the damage would be worse if I moved, something in me giving me the strength for stillness even in the pain.

As soon as she released me, I scrambled up. She allowed me the time, not done playing with her prey yet. I shook myself off, and held up my hands as two fists. I wasn't about to go down without a fight.

"Do you really think Clyde wants to be with you? Always in your shadow, these people have had their entire lives revolve around you. You are the highest-maintenance connection in the entire galaxy. How do you think they feel about that?"

That one... Stung. It hit worse than a hit could, and I felt the breath leave my lungs for a moment as my heart gave a harsh squeeze.

"I think they still love me." I responded, forcing myself to stand up straight. I focussed on her, and balled my fists a little bit harder.

"Do you, now?" She asked. "Because I know I don't. I don't, and I'm you."

Suddenly, she lunged. I was unprepared for it, distracted by the weight of her words. She caught me off guard, raking her claws across my chest. They got caught in the leather of my armor, and she struggled, for a moment, to pull them out.

I grabbed her hand, and she looked at me with vitriol in her eyes. She snarled, and I quickly grabbed the other hand. She fought against me, but it didn't matter if she got me on the ground, as long as I kept hold of her claws.

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