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"She actually attempted to cook!" laughed Jennifer, "Of course, it wasn't edible so we ended up ordering pizza but it was hilarious watching her with her pots and pans!"

Padme slowly opened her eyes, waking up at her friend's laughter. She straightened her body and realised she was sleeping on James' shoulder. Seeing her awake, he said:

"You better thank Merlin I like you because it's been half an hour you're drooling on my shirt."

Padme clumsily apologized as she was just waking up and her brain was still slow at work.

"Don't worry about it, I was just joking," he said.

"What did they do to you on that ship? You keep falling asleep," Jen said.

"A lot of screaming, physical activity and not a lot of sleeping," Padme thought.

"Was it fun?" asked Albus.

"Yeah, I really enjoyed it," answered Padme quietly.

"Ani doesn't seem as affected as you," noticed Lily.

"Did you talk to your parents about McGonagall's strange attitude?" asked Anakin randomly.

"Yeah, but they didn't say anything too helpful," admitted Albus.

"They just kept babbling about their time at Hogwarts, discussing their weirdest teachers and stuff. We got to hear all over again about good old Gilderoy Lockhart and toad-faced Dolores Umbridge," said Lily

"They said it was probably nothing but that we could still look into it if we wanted," added James.

"What about your parents?" asked Lily.

"Oh, don't look at me, my mum's a Muggles. She wouldn't know anything about it," said Jen.

"And I don't think our parents were as acquainted with McGonagall as yours were, so not much information there," admitted Anakin.

They continued chatting until the train came to a stop and hurried back to the castle as it was very cold.

The next morning, Padme met James in Potion class. She had finally slept and was feeling much better. Her two weeks with the pirates had drained her. They woke up at the crack of dawn and went to bed close to twelve every single night.

"Hey," she said joyfully, sitting down next to James.

"You look better!" James said, leaning in for a kiss.

"Potter!" Professor Lima yelled "No kissing in my class! Today, we will be learning about Polyjuice potion..."

Padme had to nudge James multiple times as he was starting to draw circles with his finger on her leg and not to pay attention anymore.

"Listen this could be useful!" she told him.

"I already know about it," he said "My aunt can practically brew it with her eyes closed! She made us all try it. It was actually fun, now that I think of it. I drank the one with Al's hair in it and it was golden or something like that. It wasn't so bad, it tasted like butter."

"What color was yours?" Padme asked, truly intrigued.

"It was a dark burgundy red, it looked slightly like blood but Lily drank it and said it tasted like caramel."

"What about Lily's?"

"It purple, I think. I remember Rose drank it and I think she said it tasted like vanilla."

"Is it possible that they taste bad?"

"Of course. If you take it from someone who's terrible, it'll probably taste like toad poo."

Orchids, Quidditch And A Basilisk (A Harry Potter New Generation Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now