Chapter 1

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I was awoken by a loud ringing in my head making me groan. I opened my eyes to be faced with some sort of dark room with no windows and musty walls.

As I began to regain consciousness, I scrunched up my nose in disgust. The smell of corpses and bacteria was tragic. I reached up to close my nostrils but abruptly stopped by metal chains and the feeling of irritation.

I focused on the loosely tied lasso with chains and handcuffs surrounding my body. I was also gagged with a smelly thick fabric and a bad taping job.

With my eyes squinted, I observed my frame, it was in a lethal state. My arms and legs were cut up and bruised. There was still dark liquid oozing out some cuts making me growl quietly. I wrestled the lasso off my shoulders carefully, making sure not to brush up against the bruises until I felt my wrists sweeping against my waist. The watch was stolen, And so might my life when Aneinoko and Rawger find out.

"How isnt he awake already? It's been 9 DAYS." I stiffened and took sight of the ajar door.

"I may have beaten him up while he was sleepi–" I hear a loud slap.

"Leilah, If you kill him then we won't have any answers. Torturing him is fine, just don't do it so much for no reason. Now, check up on him or I will get—" The rest was inaudible as I heard the ringing again.

With screams then and there along with the ringing dimming down, I lay down softly and closed my eyes. The door squeaked open and was slammed shut. I could hear light footsteps coming my way causing me to breathe more densely.

Someone's cold yet moist fingers take off my gag and press up against my neck then to my wrists making my eyes open a bit and shiver. The cut gloved hand stopped its movements and gripped me, enough for another bruise to form, "I know you're awake, retard." They shake me aggressively.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY!" I hastily opened my eyes and spat on the person, making them back up and swat their face.

The person glaring at me was a girl who had green eyes and wavy Dirty Blonde hair that was worn up halfway. Her hair and clothes framed her small figure perfectly as her clothes started swaying slightly.

She was rather elegant for someone so rough and cold.

She stomped towards me, making my eyes dilate more than her own. Backing up wasn't an option because I was chained from head to toe. I couldn't go further than a foot.

She grips the collar of my shirt and pulls me towards her until our faces are an inch away from each other, "DON'T YOU EVER. SPIT ON ME AGAIN YOU FUCKING DICK." She lifts a knife in the air and plunges it into my chest making me scream.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the door opened, "What the hell is goi—EVERYTHEI!" I could hear someone running towards us, feeling her weight shift off me.


"I DON'T CARE. WHAT'S UP WITH YOU ALWAYS TRYING TO KILL PEOPLE?! GET OUT!" I could hear something break. I opened my eyes to someone dragging her away.

A familiar guy in a mask sits down next to me, managing my wounds, "You ok 8194?"

"...Who are you?" He lifts up his mask and I give a hard grin, "Briance... What the hell are you doing here?" I have trouble getting out the words as purple liquid spilled out of my body.

"It's Briere, and I can't tell you why. I'm sorry about Leilah."

"Leilah...?" He looks me in the eyes and sighs.

"The one that attacked you. She has anger issues and is one of the best here. Reilyn, her brother is kind of worse."

"Uh... Ok? Could you explain where we are?" I observed my surroundings better as the door that was open half way gave off an eerie glow. I cringed when I realized the pile of dead bodies on the other side of the room.

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