Chapter 6

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A heavy and loud voice comes in the speaker, "EVERYONE GET UP! WE'RE BEING DEPLOYED INTO THE FIRST WORLD WAR!" I grunt in annoyance, pushing myself off the bed.

I turned to the clock, it was 6am.

"Briance?" I gaze at his neatly made bed, "Right... You aren't here."

My eyes become watery in realization, "Atlas Anderson and Javier Lopez, Please come to My office."

I sigh and force myself up, putting my uniform on. I splash my face with cold water and immediately opened the door, rushing out.

I reached the office door that opened quickly, "General, I heard the announcement. Tell me what to do."

"We need to go to the empty land to fight." He shows me the threat message. My eyebrows raise in confusion and interest, "Get in the area where all the other nurses are. NOW!"

"Yes sir!" We run the opposite ways. Since his office and my dorm was on the tenth floor, I used a few shortcuts that I practiced while exploring the hospital with briance.

I go down the stairs quickly, Climbing on the railing and jumping in the gap between the stairs. Making sure I didn't get hurt, I hastily grabbed another railing that was near the second floor, going back onto the stairway, running down.

A few seconds later, I found myself on the floor. My chest was bobbing up and down as I finally exited the building, getting into the white armored car.

"Wow Atlas. You made it just in time! What took you so long?" My friend gave me a cup of water on which I chugged down.

"Thank you. General Sant called me to his office on the tenth floor and after that I had to run down the stairs because the elevators were shut down."

"The broken blade fits well in your hand," The car started to move roughly, "GAHGAH!... I should be used to that by now."

"I'm not really affected by it." She acknowledges me with a small nudge, pouring me another cup.

"Alright nurses, We are going to be in the medical area of the Central Powers pit helping our patients that come in injured."


"So, Ara, how was your week with all the patients?"

"It was stressful. I saved all but one because they died coming in.." I frown slightly.

"I'm... so sorry."

"Wait a second, where's Javi?" My muscles tightened.

"He's... Well.. I don't know how to explain it I.." Arabella's confused expression turned mournful.

"He died?" I shook my head and turned the opposite direction, "I get it if you don't want to talk about it." She patted my shoulder, "Besides, I'm sure he's ok if he isn't dead."

The car stops 30 minutes later abruptly causing me and some nurses to fall out of their seats, "WE'RE BEING SHOT AT!"

"Oh you have got to be kidding me. WE BARELY EVEN ENTERED THE BATTLEFIELD!" I opened my eyes from my nap to see a bullet about to come through the window.

I push Arabella out the way as the car starts to shake aggressively. I got up rubbing my eyes, trying to glance behind the steering wheel.

"We are going max so be careful! We all have to arrive at the medical area as soon as possible safely. Atlas, Help me." I jump at my name being mentioned.

"WHY ME?!"



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