Chapter 5

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Work was quiet, calm even. Briance and I train in the gym to get more defined when we have no patients to attend to...That was honestly most of our shifts.

My favorite equipment was the Leg extension and the leg abduction while briance's was the lat pulldown. It was around 11pm on a Monday night. We've been here for 13 days now and everyone worships us. Secretly in our dorm room we've been figuring out the best action to help the people in WW1, and how much time we have left to get answers.

"When the people come into our medical room, we ask questions and pretend it will help them. It's better that we are both male nurses, we get more respect." We left our dorm and strolled into the dark and silent hallway.

"Good idea Psy. But what if it doesn't work?"

My pupils dilate as I narrow my eyes, "It should work. It's common sense. Look on the positive side."

"We'll need to be careful and not raise suspicion. We could die in this universe. We aren't even partly Immune anymore once we enter a universe other than the Inverted Agent." I sigh and rubbed my forehead.

"It's like an ongoing hell being immortal going through so much wars and battles isn't it?"

"...Yes." Briance looks to the side, "Especially when you work for.... Nevermind."

We both were sweating as we walked around, "We have one more day left. We don't know exactly when the war will start so be aware."

"I hate surprises. Honestly!" Briance shrieked.

I covered my ears and groaned slightly, "SHUT UP!" I whisper shout, "You're very loud. We don't know who might still be here watching us! And you say I'm loud! God!"

"Behind" I shiver up, a ringing starting to become louder and louder.

I turn around to see a dark figure across the hallway we were in, "HEY, WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"Psyrisz, who are you talking to...?" I grab briance's arm, speed walking the other direction, "Psyrisz?"

"I saw something. Let's just go back to our dorm room." Briance looks at me worried, letting me drag him across the floor.

A few minutes later we reached the room. I slumped on my bed and started screaming in my pillow, "Psyrisz tell me what you saw!"

"Just leave me alone right now. We need to rest for tomorrow. It's going to be a long day. I just want to go home.." Briance comes over to me and pats my shoulder.

"You're right. I'm very sorry Cynoia forced you into this. I'm used to everything she does to people but I really don't like the fact that she's doing it to one of my brothers." I grin slightly.

"Brother... I wish I had siblings. A family even. why does this have to happen to me? I'm so tired Briance..." My voice starts to crack, "It was a dark figure on the other side of the hallway. Just standing there."

"You're medications are wearing out.."

"Could you get more?" Briance nods and summons a mini portal. It starts to glitch then sparks of light start to fly in the room in which Briance fell to the ground, disabling his powers.

"GOD DAMN IT!" A large scar appears on Briances arm which begins to bleed profusely.

"WHAT IN THE UNHOLY FUCK?! !" I kneel down next to Briance grabbing his arm and wrapping it with my shirt tightly, "Briance, what the hells going on?!"

"I'm...Dying. I've been here for too long. My powers are malfunctioning and I can't hold them longer...."

"But the permanent serum?" Briance chuckles, tears falling out of his eyes.

"It must have expired today. You see it's not really permanent, it lasts only five years." I gasp and get up, holding Briance in my arms.

"Well you need help. Briance hang in there!"

"Stop. Psyrisz. We can't explain how this happened. I'm not real. I'm from another universe. It's magic that done this to me. The original universe is forbidden to have powers." He coughs up blood.

"Briance, what if I use my powers to help!?" I tried to get the powers out of my hands, only doing sparks.

"Powers that Originals have from my universe are limited in their universe."

"But I used my powers in France."

"The multiverse system was malfunctioning. You're still an original even if you were raised in my universe. You were born here.."

"Try to go back to the Inverted Agent, I'll try to figure this out on my own. Come back when you're ready. Just don't leave me alone in the MIDDLE OF THE WAR!" Briance opens a small portal, going in slowly.

"I'll be in the KNA. I'll send you the information and questions Cynoia sent me incase I don't make it." Briance waves and quickly closes the portal.

"Jeez.. When was it so...Cold?" I hugged myself as the windows in the room became crystals.

The feeling of absence scared me.

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