Chapter 3

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"Hey, Wake up."

I tore their hands off and hid in my hands, "Whoever you are, shut up. My head hurts..." Someone's hands grab mine and slowly lower them. It was briance looking at me with concern.

"What happened? You're bleeding again."

"I always hit my head traveling through universes I guess. God damn it did we even plan anything?! Let's go back." Briance holds my wrists steady.

"Hold on there mister. I know what we're doing. It'll be ok." Briance grabs a medkit and begins to clean up my wound.

"Where did you get that?"

"Mini portal I spawned."

"Oh so you could just get anything you want just like that?" Briance shakes his head.

"You can't get everything you want in the world. Even if you have powers. It will still be illegal. I just got this medkit in my closet," He finishes and helps me up, "Besides, I'm not a thief."

"You just stole important medica—"

"Well we need it ok? Stop talking." I cross my arms and raise a brow, "I apologize."

"It's fine. Now, where are we and what do we do in your 'plan'?" I emphasize with my fingers.

"We are in Europe. 1914 on July 14th. Where the war will start soon," I signal him to keep going, "We will find a job."

"How would we find a job to keep the original universe the same in the present?"

"You're missing the point on why we're here. We don't. So how about we become soldiers?"

"Hell no."


"Are we even allowed to be nurses? Only females were allowed to be one back in the day. We're guys." I swung around and grabbed my waistband, pulling it down, "Yeah. Guys."

"Why are you— whatever. I don't think it's Illegal. Just say we're VERY skilled people, they will make an acceptance." I readjusted my pants.

"Indeed we are good in the arts of combat, but nurses are supposed to be good in... medical."

"I'm literally a doctor in the KNA. Just pretend so we could get info on the war. It would be easier for us."

"Wait, What's our stage name?"

"I'll be Brian... And you could be Aiden blaze again."

"Aiden blaze was alive on October 4th, 1794. Where the french revolution happened. Won't it be weird for a copycat in 1914? And don't choose brian that name is ugly."

".... What about Atlas Anderson and Javier Lopez?"

"I'll be Atlas," Feeling a shiver down my spine, I look over the alleyway corner, "Hm... Wanna go to that store? Look, I see bayonets!!!" Briance pats my shoulder as he looks over my shoulder.

"Yeah sure. We're not getting bayonets though. Only a few small weapons for self defense," I nodded and started limping, "You do realize I healed you before we went into the portal?"

I stop for a bit, then slowly slid forward, "Hm, you're right. Must be some sort of psychological trick. I didn't even notice my legs weren't in pain anymore."

"That's the point."

"Makes sense—Uh, do we have money? Did they even–"

"They used paper money in this time." He shows a stack of money in his hands, "This is 1000 Dollars. Be careful and limit yourself," He digs in his pocket and gives me a card, "You may want some sort of weapon registration."

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