Chapter 2

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I was put into a nurse's attire. It didn't look flattering on me compared to the one Nathan gave me, but It would do.

"I'm sorry Cynoia forced you to do this. If I have to be honest, I don't support this Idea as well." I scratched my neck.

"This attire is so itchy... Is this wool?"

"Yeah, why?"

"God damn it no wonder... Could I change into a more–"

"In the time of world war one, they always wore wool to keep warmth and that was the majority of what they had anyway. You have to fit in."

"Fake wool???" Briance shakes his head, "OH COME ON IM ALLERGIC!!!"

"Just try and focus on the mission at hand."

"Or what? Cynoia will torture me with demonic weapons? I was BORN with magical powers that could destroy entire multiverses!"

"She totallyyy didn't get you caught in the Limitation lasso when you were trying to find the WalkerNagent in the French Revolution Era."

"Dude." Briance moves his hands in a spiral and his attire changes, similar to mine.

"Hell is forever whether you like it or not." Leilah smirks with her arms crossed.

"Then heaven must be a god damn lie, Everythei." I reply with hatred in my eyes, clenching my fists.

"Down Leilah! ... Oh! Karmerisz you may want Benzodiazepines and aripiprazole. I could call Aneinoko to give it to you, but we don't want them knowing." I relaxed and tilted my head to the side.

"What do you mean?"

"You working for the WalkerNagency doesn't sound so good. Just steal a mixed serum, Insert some in your veins and drink the rest, then be on your way."

"I could just get those medications as I need them daily then you could take the universe 24 hour thing."

"We can't let you be seen yet. And I don't need a Universe Tolerant serum. Aneinoko and Rawger already gave me one just in case I have to save agents in other universes."

"Why didn't they give me one?"

"You aren't NECESSARILY an Original anymore as you DID do something extremely criminal against your universe, even for them to collide with other ones." I rolled my eyes.

"Could you blame me? I was like 8."

"It's too risky to give you one as originals cant have that serum. We're not a hundred percent sure you're still an original...By the way, age doesn't matter." I gag.

"Whatever, Can't you get it? I'm injured." Briance opens a portal, pushing me in.

"You are in the KarmaNagency Break room." The portal closes, my stare blank.

"Karmerisz sir!" I looked over my shoulder and saw a student of mine jogging.

"Hey Anastaishia. What's up?"

"We were looking for you, are you ok?" I chuckle, rubbing my temple.

"I- Um- Yes! I'm fine. I have to go do business. Y'know, It's hard being in the top 10!" I slid out of the room, "ASORE!"

In Rawger's room, going to his safe I put the code in and looked through the serums and med kits, "Psyrisz?" I turn around to see Wriothesley.

"Oh, Greetings Your Grace." I put my hand over my chest and bowed.

"What do you think you're doing in Jameson's Safe?" My eyes break contact with his and I stood up.

"Well I'm on a mission and I need a serum so I don't die in that universe. I also need my daily meds." Wriothesley raises a brow.

"You aren't allowed to do that. You know what happened. I was notified by Starbride and Sakna. And why not just call Jameson to get it for you?" He walks towards me and closes the safe door, "Come on now, you will take a visit to Sakna's office." I gaze up his tall figure and grimace at the thought of me being tortured by Cynoia and Aneinoko.

I sighed and nodded, "What is the punishment for this, Your grace?"

"Its up to Sakna to decide." I look to the side and see Briere holding a blue serum and a bag of unknown white powdered substance which made me freeze and move my hands around crazily, "What are you d- BRIERE?" Briere's eyes widen. He puts the stuff in his pocket and runs.

"I-Um?!" Wriothesley grabs a key and grabs my chin, pulling in my face to his.

"Get him." He unlocks the handcuffs.

"Of course your grace." I float up grunting, speeding towards Briere.

"Good job using him as a distraction. I really thought you were going to get caught!"

"You said I was doing it. What the hell?"

"I saw him in the way so I needed you as a distraction. Stop overreacting."

"No no you are UNDER reacting. I LITERALLY told the truth to the duke. I'm SCREWED!"


"That I needed my daily meds and a universe serum."

"God you're an IDIOT!"

"I'm sorry.." My eyes start to water.

Turning around the corner, Briere opens a portal which makes me crash into a wall, "OH! Are you ok? I'm sorry I should have warned you."

I rubbed my head in pain and disabled my flying, "Give me that damn serum already." I slowly sat down as he fed me the drink.

I slap his hand away, chugging it, "You're not supposed to drink ALL of it..." I glance back and forth between the half empty bottle and Briere. He gets a syringe and injects it into me.

"That feels weird..." He nods. He hands me the bag of random medicine.

"It's the Benzodiazepines mixed with aripiprazole. I tried not to look bad." I opened the bag and ate it.

"It looked like you were carrying cocaine." Briance's smile turns straight. I jerk, making me cough excessively.

"Oh yeah, the serum is supposed to feel forcible when you first consume it with other medications. Nothing to worry about except overdosing, let's go now." He activates his watch and presses 'Universe: Original'.
"Why am I doing this again..." We get sucked into the portal.

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