Chapter 6: Missing

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     Lincoln woke up to his mom shouting at him, "You seriously didn't wake up on time again?!" Lincoln was not only about to miss the bus but he had also forgotten to charge his laptop, he had also forgotten to finish his essay. but at least Hilda had messaged him again. He was too busy to open it but he planned to open it later on during the day.

     Lincoln rushed to get ready before the bus left without him, he was fortunate to have made it just in time but he looked like a wreck. " I hope Hilda doesn't see me like this...!" Lincoln mumbled to himself. Lincoln looked around but he couldn't see Hilda on the bus. At first he was relieved but then he started to worry. "Where is she?" The person he was sitting next to on the bus turned to him and said "Dude, you talk to yourself a lot.. It's kinda freaking me out.." The kid had long dark brown unkempt hair, and smelled lightly of greasy food. Lincoln apologized as they were getting off the bus to go to school. 

     Lincoln saw the crowd that Hilda normally hung around at school. He learned their names, David, and Frida. he was hesitant to go ask where she was because he didn't want to seem like a creep or he was stalking her or anything like that. but he ended up doing it anyway. 

     "Hello my name is Lincoln Loud. I was wondering if you had seen a girl named Hilda....? She wasn't on my bus this morning." Frida, Hilda's black friend replied with "No we were wondering the same thing!" "Oh, That's okay! if you find out where she is feel free to let me know." Said Lincoln. Frida thanked Lincoln for his concern and continued walking to class. Lincoln noticed that David followed behind her like a little pet. He seemed almost like a skittish animal.

     Lincoln's day went by slow without Hilda there, he missed her pretty face. He hoped he could find the answer on why she wasn't there. maybe he would stop by her house after school.

Lincoln x HildaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang