Chapter 7: Explanations

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     Lincoln's day went extremely slow without Hilda in his classes. He felt lonely and unmotivated to do any work without her. Although he was thankful that she wasn't in his English class today to see him get scolded by the English teacher because he didn't finish his essay. But he knew one thing he had to get to the bottom of why she wasn't there.

     Lincoln hopped on the bus and took his seat. He had the normal people bullying him about his lack of a British accent and his American heritage. he hardly defended himself as Hilda would normally do it for him. She was such a caring girl and she hardly knew him. she certainly had a big heart. 

    The bus ride home was long and painful, but it was finally over. Lincoln dropped off his things and walked a few houses down till he reached Hilda's door. It took lots of Courage but he raised his fish and began to knock. a woman who looked to be in her mid thirties opened the door. She had shoulder length brown hair and looked like she had been crying. "Hello I was wondering if Hilda was here? she hadn't attended school today so I got worried." said Lincoln. "Oh, are you the new family that's moved down the street? What was your name, Lincoln? I'm Hilda's mother Johanna. Why don't you come inside for a cup of peppermint tea and I'll explain everything." The woman had a warm soothing energy to her. Ignoring his American instincts of not going into a stranger's house in order to not get shot in the brain or molested he went inside. 

     Johanna began to explain. Hilda went outside to go look for their family pet twig, but she hasn't come home yet. Johanna was starting to become sick with worry and vomit ever thought of her poor daughter being missing. Lincoln felt horrible for the poor mother. He imagined what his parents would do if one of his siblings went missing and it made him feel worse. " I'll go look for her. I promise I'll find her." Lincoln snapped out of his nervousness. Johanna was at first against the idea but then decided just to let him go. She thanked him before he left.

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