Chapter 9: Sleepover

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     Lincoln walked Hilda back to her house, they were still holding hands as they were earlier Lincoln wanted to shout from the top of a building that he loved her. he wanted everyone to know... besides maybe his sisters.

     As they were walking they spotted a familiar face, it was police officer Judy Hopps! " whoa there! you're out late, what's going on?" Asked the bunny lady with a Stern voice. " We don't mean to cause any trouble! I'm just walking my friend home when her pet was missing." Lincoln quickly explained. Hilda nodded. " Sorry for misunderstanding their kids, would you like a ride home? it's cold outside." asked Mrs Hopps. the two teenagers nodded.

     After a quick car ride back to Hilda's house Lincoln and Hilda parted ways until Lincoln came back running and asked if he could have a sleepover. Hilda's mother Joanna said yes and then Lincoln went to go ask his parents who also agreed. They played Dragon panic and did lots of silly British things.

     "Lincoln, I'm so glad you moved here! you're one of the nicest people I've ever met... I feel like you truly understand me.." Hilda looked at Lincoln with loving eyes and smiled. Hilda kissed Lincoln again and then again. The feeling of their lips touching together was like a drug to her. she couldn't get enough.

      Lincoln was also very glad to have met Hilda. He hated moving here at first but now he's glad that he's met somebody so perfect. It was finally time for them to lay down and sleep. " Lincoln, I want to show you something.." Hilda then took off her top to show two perfect breasts. They were small and perky. her nipples were a pastel pink. They look good enough to pop in your mouth and eat.

     just as Lincoln reached out his hand to touch Hilda put her top back on. " sorry, I got a little ahead of myself.." they wished each other good night and went to bed

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