Chapter 8: Found

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     Lincoln walked back to his house to prepare himself for his journey. He figured that he should probably start looking near wooded areas and Trollburg because of how outdoorsy Hilda is. He grabbed a backpack and some snacks and he was ready to go.

     as Lincoln was walking outside he saw a familiar blue tank engine on the street. It was Thomas the Tank Engine but he was crying and upset. Lincoln loved Thomas the Tank Engine when he was younger and he was willing to do anything to console him and make him feel better. Lincoln approached the blue tank engine.

     "Hello! Are you Thomas the Tank Engine? I loved your show when I was younger. Are you okay?" Lincoln asked. "No I'm not. My friend is missing and I don't know where she is. One of my nearest and dearest friends Hilda hasn't been seen since yesterday..." The Tank Engine had tears running out of his eyes which Lincoln didn't even think was possible for tank engines but clearly it was. "Oh I'm looking for Hilda too! Do you think you can give me a lift to the woods? I will look for her there." responded Lincoln. "Oh yes I'll take you! I love to be useful!" replied Thomas.

     After a long ride Lincoln was finally at the woods, he thanked Thomas and began to look for Hilda.

     it was beginning to get dark just when he was running out of hope he heard distance sobbing he was startled at first but then he remembered that it might be Hilda and he ran towards the sound. He was so glad to see her! He was thrilled to have found her. He then remembered how nervous he was around her and began to get shy but he knew he had to help her. "Hilda! There you are! Your mother was worried sick about you! Have you found twig?" said Lincoln. Hilda had obviously been crying for a while, her voice was nasally yet still so angelic. her Teal blue hair shined in the Moonlight. She was like a blue rose, pretty but tough.

     "N-no... sniff I haven't found him yet.. I'm really worried..." Lincoln hugged Hilda. she felt more comforted with him being there. Lincoln and Hilda began to start a fire to keep warm. "You stay here, I'll look for him.." Said Lincoln. Lincoln March deep into the woods to look for twig.

     Lincoln began to get tired, he lost all hope in finding twig until he heard faint growling. At first he was horrified but then he remembered that he needed to be brave for Hilda. Lincoln was clearly blessed by some God today with the amount of luck that he's had. He found twig. It was easy to find his way back to Hilda because of the fire that they had started.

     "Twig! I missed you so much boy! Don't you ever try to run away like that again!" Hilda was overjoyed to see her beloved pet again. Twig nuzzled into her soft shiny hair. Lincoln wished he was small so he could snuggle into her the way that twig did.

     Sitting down trying to regain energy the two sat in front of the fire that they had started. The Warm Glow was extremely comforting. Lincoln was can completely entranced by the beauty of the fire. he forgot about everything else until he felt a pair of soft lips on his cheek. Lincoln immediately grew as red as the fire he was staring at. His eyes and pupils grew wide. Lincoln looked over at Hilda and saw her smile Shyly. She looked at him for a moment and then she kissed him again this time caressing the back of his head as she kissed him. This kiss was longer but Lincoln wasn't complaining. Hilda pulled back and looked at him again with a strange look in her eyes. She pulled Lincoln close and kissed him again but this kiss was different she opened up her mouth and Lincoln did the same. They began to explore each other's mouths with their tongues. it was the most intimate feeling they had ever felt. They both pulled back and smiled. Lincoln had another erection but this time he didn't try to hide it or hold back. He was comfortable with her.

     The two then began to walk back home, holding hands.

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