The way of the heart

13 5 0

After signing the papers my mom reappeared on the bed and she was sleeping peacefully. A sigh of relief left my lips.

I looked at the demon and he exited the room and I followed him.

We reached my room and he jumped onto my bed.

"Listen here I'm not trying to be rude but you'll have to cooperate with me if you don't want to lose your life",he said jumping on the bed.

"You know you're too playful for a demon,I thought you were gonna be scarier"

"Well I am scary but only to those who don't cooperate and I hate to break it to you but from now on your life is in the palm of my hand",he said with a serious tone

"What do you mean?",I asked

"Silly human,you didn't even read the paper you signed. It says in the contract that if you back away from our deal I can take your life before you even get to the end of the year", my eyes widened when he said that.

"What!",I yell.

"From now on I'll stick to you like glue",he said landing on the floor.

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Don't act like you didn't understand,if you want us both to not die then cooperate"

"And if I don't?",I ask

"I'll kill you", he answered simply.

"You're just a cat how can you kill me?"

"I can kill you with my eyes closed", he answered

"Ok but You're not staying at my house"

"Don't worry I Don't even want to be here",he says going to the window.

"But if not here then where?",I ask confused

"The house next to yours, your neighbors moved so I bought the house", my jaw dropped to the floor.

"How can a fucking cat buy a house?",as I ask this he suddenly looks out the window and I feel shivers down my spine.

"W-what are you-",he cuts me off before I finish talking

"Father if you want me to cooperate with this human, return me to my original form because I can't go to school with her Like this",he says looking out the window.

"What the fuck. Is the demon king around here",I say ducking

"Come on Dad please,I have to get my body back for this mission,I promise I won't see Addy ever again",he keeps talking Ignoring me.

And suddenly bright red light shines over his body and I close my eyes because I almost went blind.

"Finally",he says and I open my eyes to see drop dead gorgeous man sitting on my window. He has black hair and he has tattoos all over his muscular body.

He looked at me raising an eyebrow.
"What?",he asked and I realized that I was staring at him for too long.

"Nothing it's just that your transformation surprised me"

"I'm leaving, so prepare yourself, tomorrow because from now on you're going to college with me", he says ready to jump from my window.

"So you're staying at my neighbor's house?",I ask him before he leaves

"Yes and it's not your neighbor's house, it's mine now", with that he jumps from the window and lands on the ground.

I close my window, I go to take a shower because I couldn't process anything that just happened. Everything felt unreal.

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