A Dance of Joy

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[A/N: Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual but I hope you enjoy.]

You spent probably up to 3 hours chatting exclusively about Yoriichi with Sumiyoshi. What's he had been doing, how's he faring, and the like?

"And since then, I've been trying to preserve his legacy," Sumiyoshi finished. He truly has been trying hard, and you can clearly see it.

The outside of his house is littered with broken sticks whittled down to resemble a sword.

You turn to him, your face seeming nervous. You are a demon, and as Yoriichi talked about you, he may have mentioned what you had become.

"Hey, Sumiyoshi, aren't you aware of that?"

"You're a demon? Yes, I am aware." Sumiyoshi finished your question, his head tilted.
"That doesn't matter now."

"But how?! I've eaten people to survive this long." You explained. Sumiyoshi's logic made no sense to you. You were a dangerous being; why would someone allow such a creature near their child? The only reason the city lord, Takashi, allowed his child to visit you was because you promised to only eat criminals.

"I guessed that. However, I don't think you'd eat a child. Moreover, you're the sister of my saviour. He talked about you a lot, you know?" Sumiyoshi reassured you. His smile was pure—simply pure.

You were quiet for a while before you cracked a smile yourself.
"Thank you. I really needed to hear that."

You had doubted yourself a lot. You had been the demise of many criminals and resided in a place where you were at an arm's length from people. Both out of business but also out of fear.

Hearing that you were trusted and were given assistance without the need for a contract or threat was nice. It had been a while.

"Wait a minute! What did Yoriichi say about me? Nothing embarrassing, right?" You asked, hoping that nothing crazy you did was brought up.

"Hmmm, let me think... he said you once stole the horse of a samurai, impersonated him, and destroyed the roof of a nobleman. All while  wearing—wait what are you doing?!"

"Don't mind me, the sun seems to be wanting to say hello." You say that you already have one foot out the window.

Sumiyoshi grabbed you from behind.



"Sumiyoshi, do you want to perform a sun-breathing dance with me?" You ask him as you lay on his house's porch area.

The sun had begun to set, leaving the sky a beautiful orange-red haze.

"Huh? What! You want to do it with me?" You were seemingly surprised at this.

"Of course. You're planning to pass on my brother's legacy. As his sister, I can't see it not being done right." You say, dusting yourself off as you go to call Suyako and Sumire.

"Oh, that's a great idea!" Could be heard from inside the houses. The sound of someone running and boxes being moved around could be heard. After a few seconds, Suyako burst out of the house carrying a bundle of clothes, with you holding Sumire and following behind.

You had removed the clothing you used to conceal your skin from the sun and changed into the clothes made by your shrine maidens.

"Sumi~ wear this!" Suyako cheered as she handed the kagura outfit to Sumiyoshi. Though taken aback, he obeys and goes to quickly change. Soon he returns dressed in white hakama and a dark brown dress with golden and crimson flames.

"Where did you get this suyako?" Sumiyoshi inquired.

"Oh, I made it a while ago. I was inspired by Yoriichi as well, and seeing how willing you were to pass down his legacy, how could I not make this for you?" She answered as she welcomed her husband into a tight embrace.

Seeing this happy family, you couldn't help but reminisce about what you used to have. However, you pushed away your thoughts, as it wasn't time for you to go back to being sad.

"Are you ready?" You said this as you jingled a branch, briefly shaking it above Sumire's head to entertain her.

"Ah! Yes, we are. Sorry about that." Suyako apologised before giving Sumiyoshi a kiss on the cheek. You handed Sumire back to her mother as you gathered around torches.

"I'll follow your lead. I didn't learn sun breathing as a kagura, but I can surely figure it out." You state, only receiving a nod and an unsure warm smile from Sumiyoshi.

Breathing in deeply, Sumiyoshi took his first step. His moves were graceful, and his body was fluid as he performed the dance. The bells on the end of his sword-like baton jingle, with each movement creating a beautiful rhythm.

You trace his movements, waving your arms in canon to his. Your steps were light as you glided on the snow-covered ground, yet the manner you moved your arms contrasted with your dance partner's. Your hands were sharper; each movement carried power as if it were performing a strike, with bursts of tiny lights similar to stars appearing at the end of your movement before quickly disappearing when a new one began.

The sound of your breaths was in sync as you reflected one another's gestures, yet they were juxtaposed as if you were performing different dances. The fire flickered and swayed, copying you both as you both continued your dance. The cold air meant nothing to you both as sweat ran down Sumiyoshi's face.

Sumiyoshi took another deep breath. You both weaved between each other in your pas de deux. Your dance continued until you both spun and reached your final pose.

Sumiyoshi heaved as he coughed, causing you to quickly catch him and pat him on the back.

"That was, uh, amazing!" He exclaimed as he held onto his knees and faced the snow.

"Yes, it was. Amazing!" That was all you could say as you patted Sumiyoshi on the back. His wife and child ran up to tackle him, pining his tired body down in the soft, warm-lit snow.

The sounds of cheers and laughter resounded that night as the fire flickered and the stars twinkled.

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