Chapter 9

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Year 1 of the Thanos Incident
Angel's pov

"All right everyone today is training day for everyone, I compiled a list of everyone's powers and abilities and possible skill set of said powers and if you have any ideas of how to improve your powers or if you have a new technique and skill for that specific power tell us we are happy to help" Jesus said handing everyone a sheet of paper.

It was currently Tuesday in the evening instead of going to the Dragon Coven as usual we decided to train in the castle's courtyard so we can begin their journey to becoming stronger.

"So as you can see on your papers the powers, skills and abilities are the ones you can achieve from your current power levels which is currently level 1 beginner" Ryder said walking in front of everyone with his hands behind his back.

"I asked the kingdom's technicians yesterday after dinner to make you guys special watches that will keep track of your progresses and after looking at the designs that I hope you will love they made them all day and they finished them this afternoon" Jesus said pulling out a long box with different colored watches lined up neatly next to each other. "Wear these with you at all time and yes they are waterproof, fire proof pretty much damage proof"

"Huh, that's useful for miss Clumsy over here" Godfather said patting my back.

"Please I'm not that clumsy" I said taking my watch from Jesus' hands but dropping it in the process. I picked it up quickly and cleared my throat. "I meant to do that I wanted to test the damage proof"

Everyone did they "mhm's" and shaked their heads.

Once everyone got their watches I started inspecting mine, It was white with a gold dragon design on it with a black screen and a button. I pressed the button and all of a sudden a green lazer beam shot out of the screen, scanning my eyes all the way to my body then came back up again.

Then once it was done it turned off and displayed a new screen and an holographic screen displayed on top of the watch showing detailed information about my stats. It looked like a screen you could find in a game where it shows the visual representation of your progress and skill points.


Name: Angel Rose Gold

Age: 15

Height: 5'2

Weight: 84 kg

Sex: Female

Nationality: Heavenian


- 33.33333333% Human
- 33.33333333% Angel
- 33.33333333% God

Elemental Affinity: Holy Light

Elemental Resistance: Holy Light

Fitness Level: 57%

Power Level: 4/5000

Experience points: 95/100


MAX: 300

Strength: 62/300

Speed: 79/300

Toughness(Durability): 118/300

Reflexes: 25/300

Hearing: 90/300

Observation: 48/300

Ancient Languages: 66/300

Combat Techniques: 104/300

Premonition: 36/300

Agility: 97/300

Intelligence: 75/300

Charisma: 62/300

Endurance: 31/300

Leadership: 118/300

Resilience: 102/300

Highest attribute out of 300:
Leadership & Toughness

Lowest attribute out of 300:


"Woah" I said looking and scrolling over my stats scanning over the information. "My highest is leadership and toughness? How? I'm one of the reckless and immature ones!"

"Believe it or not, you are a good leader when the time calls for it, sure you are immature, reckless and irresponsible but when it's time to be serious you can actually lead like you had since primary school and with your future queen training it helps to your benefit as well" Scarlet said smiling a bit and looking at me.

"Wow, never thought I would hear those words" I said with a discomforted expression.

"It's true, you just need to... mature a bit" Scarlet said shrugging with a smile.

I put a hand on Scarlet's shoulder. "Scar... let's all be honest... I will never grow up, I will forever be a child in my heart" I said smiling brightly indicating to my chest with my free hand.

"Yeah, I know and that's one of the things we love about you" Scarlet said laughing.

"Okay guys once you are done looking over your skills and stats sheet, Focus." Ryder said standing in front of us. "Now that you have an idea how your progresses is going to go, let's work on them, let's get stronger, let's train, Together"

"Ryder is right, now is the time to focus, Angel I have to explain to you why your Power Level is so high" Jesus said standing in front of me. He cleared his throat and crouch down to my level.

"You know how you are pretty much half human, half angel and half god? Well once you have trained enough and reached the desired requirements you will unlock two forms: The Angel Form and The God Form. Both very powerful transformations that has to be handled with care and responsibility let me demonstrate." Jesus said stepping back.

He shook his hands and started to relax inhaling and exhaling with his eyes closed and finally taking a deep breath. He sprouted his angel wings from his back and a golden aura was surrounding him then he opened his eyes revealing gold eyes with his hair turning white from the roots of his hair then completely turning white.

Everyone had their mouths agape and eyes wide staring at Jesus in his angel form levitating in front of them with his wing flapping. "This, Angel is called The Angel Form" He said smiling and crossing his arms.

"The fact it looks cool and has my name on it makes me interested so count me in!" I said pumping my fist in the air.

"Like I said before it requires LOTS of training and the desired requirements to unlock it so you have work to do but of course you have to get your angel wings and powers first" Jesus said smiling landing back on the ground.

"My balloon of hope has deflated" I said frowning and crossing my arms.

"Don't worry, you will get there just be patient" Jesus said ruffling my hair.

"From today forward, we will declare this year one of the Thanos incident and the year where will are becoming heros" Ryder said smiling. "Now say it with me, Future Heros of the Overworld..." He said standing and saluting with his right hand and putting his fist on his chest with the other.

"For Heaven we fight!!!" All of us said saluting and bringing our fists to our chest.

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