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There she was, sitting outside of an office that was owned by one of the biggest companies in the city of Seoul.

Solàna was nervous to say the least. She had been practicing all morning what she would say at her interview, she even practiced while showering.

On her way there, she listened to a murder podcast in her car like any other morning. It somewhat eased her mood, an ounce of confidence coming to her.

Now, she sat there practicing her words once again in her head. She would fiddle with ends of her skirt at times, rubbing her sweaty palms against the nice fabric.

She tucked pieces of hair behind her ears, revealing her pastel pink hearing aids. She's had them since she was almost an infant, having to learn the common method of sign language.

Solàna wasn't a very talkative individual ether. Some people thought she had brain damage from her lack of speech, but she was diagnosed with Autism at a very young age.

She's always needed some form of guidance through life, rather that be her parents or a friend.

If you asked anyone, they would probably say she's just a very mute woman. She did speak, just not very often. If she tried, she would have trouble even finding the right words. Solàna had trouble having conversations with others, often just listening to the chatter around her.

Like now, others were waiting for their interview as well. There were two young girls, they looked close to her age. She listened in and out of their conversation. Not in a creepy way, she was just very curious.

The sound of ice stirring around as they swished their coffee around with the straw intrigued her, the cold beverages quickly getting her attention.

"Solàna? Solàna Williams?", a female called out her name, a clipboard in hand.

Solàna perked up a bit at hearing her name, making her way into the office.

"He'll be back in just a few minutes, just wait here until he gets back", the woman spoke with a sweet smile, bowing before leaving.

Solàna bowed out of respect herself, counting to three in her head before walking into the huge office.

She sat down in one of the chairs, admiring her surroundings as she waited.

This man she would soon be working for had a very simple but good taste in decorating. Everything was mostly in the shades of grey or black, including the furniture.

He was a man after all, men enjoyed simple things.

She saw a fancy name tag that she assumed belong to the man that would be interviewing her.


She heard the door to the office open, a man walking in with a cup of coffee in his hands.

He walked around the girl, sitting down with a greeting grin on his face.

"Sorry", he spoke. "I wanted to grab a quick cup of coffee before we started, I hope I didn't keep you waiting so long", he apologizes.

𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘|𝐉𝐉𝐊 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora