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Solàna was now sitting in the meeting room, employees sitting on both sides of her. Some were making conversation, sipping from their coffee's and laughing quietly.

In these moments, she wished Olive were there to make her laugh or crack one of her dark humor jokes. It would make her feel a little less anxious, awkward even.

She just fiddled with a pen she brought with her, clicking the top of it repeatedly.

She was heavily engrossed into the pen until she saw Jungkook walk in.

He looked so professional. A bit more serious than he did when he brought her the cup of coffee earlier that morning.

Him and a few more people dressed in suits or fancy dresses walked in. Solàna assumed they were the officials Jungkook mentioned earlier.

"Alright everyone, let's begin the meeting. We have our officials here from the trademark company that's stationed in Busan", he gestured towards them, they bowed politely in their seats.

"So, please be respectful since they have traveled quite far for this meeting", different employee's nodded, Solàna nodding herself as she stopped the clicking of her pen.

As the meeting started, Jungkook was showing a big presentation. He went over different methods his company used for marketing and what it all contained.

Solàna was heavily focused, not taking her eyes away from the presentation for a second. She was in awe of how someone could stand up there for hours or more to present something so important to the world.

"And marketing comes with five important concepts which are price, promotion, place, and people", Jungkook explained. "This is a framework that helps guide marketing strategies and keep marketers focused on the right things. We simply looked to maybe work with another company to help contribute this".

"And how do you exactly plan on doing this? Companies or brands joining together can be a challenge", one of the officials asked.

Solàna was a bit stunned seeing how serious they toke meetings like this, considering this was the first ever meeting she's ever been apart of.

She did have some knowledge of marketing, but it was only because she toke a marketing and media class her senior year of high school.

She hesitantly raised her hand in the air, afraid she may be interrupting.

Jungkook noticed her hand in the air. "Yes Miss Williams?".

"Y-You could use different partnerships, joint ventures, strategic alliances or consortia. It will be easier for both companies so everyone is involved in the project equally", she replied.

Some looked at her with stunned disbelief, even the officials. They knew she was new considering they had visited this company many times and never seen her before.

Solàna felt as if she said something wrong, silence feeling the room.

Jungkook was a bit surprised himself, vividly remembering her say she didn't have much experience with marketing.

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