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That's how she felt.

Solàna woke up the next morning, feeling a soft blanket and bed sheets around her. It calmed her just feeling the texture around her.
She sat up in bed soon enough, not recognizing her surroundings. She saw her hearing aids seating on the night stand, sighing relief as she put them on.

Solàna put on her slippers and walked out of the room, soon smelling the amazing scent of pancakes and the salty smell of bacon. She perked up just smelling one of her favorite breakfast meals (besides avocado toast of course).

Solàna walked downstairs to see news playing on the television in the living room. Jungkook was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, putting another pancake onto the pile he had already made.

"Morning koo", she greeted the man softly, rubbing her eyes with cute sweater paws as she yawned small.
Jungkook smiled at the sight. "Morning, petal. I'm making breakfast, I hope you like pancakes?"
Solàna nodded with a happy grin forming on her face, sitting down at the kitchen island. Bam soon walked up to her from his kennel, nudging her in the leg for a "morning petting".

Solàna smiled softly at the cute gesture, petting him just like he wanted. She loved how soft and floppy his ears were.
"He's been excited to see you", Jungkook chuckled. "But I told him you needed your rest".
Solàna was grateful for that, but she wouldn't have minded being awakened by cute dog licks to the face.

Soon, breakfast was ready and the two of them began eating together. Solàna chewed her food cutely, one had holding her fork and the other she began popping her fingers with her thumb (she often does this as stimming). The pressure on her fingers felt good and always grounded her when she was in moments where she had to stay still.

Jungkook noticed this, finding the actions endearing. "Whatever helps her", he thought, continuing to eat with a fond smile on his face. Most of his attention was paid toward the news, he always found it entertaining in the mornings.

"Anything you wanna do today, petal?", Jungkook asked suddenly as he chewed a piece
of bacon in his mouth. Solàna tilted her head innocently, confusion written on her face.
"Have work today", she replied.

Jungkook chuckled at her cuteness. "I know that, pretty. But no one has to know we may be a little late", he winked. Solàna giggled at his actions, beginning to think of what they could do.

Only one thing came to mind though.

"C-Could we go to the bookstore again? W-Wanna get more books", she replied bouncing slightly in her seat as she ate her pancakes.

Jungkook smiled at the cute action. "Of course we can, maybe even stop for some coffee or the mall? I think they open in an hour or so", he mumbled as he checked his phone for the time.

Solàna continued to bounce lightly in her seat out of happiness, excited to be going back to the bookstore.




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