Chapter 2 - War is coming -

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A few days had passed since the events in the radio tower.
Lucifer had kept his end of the bargain and decided to pretend the thing had never happened, even though, in a way, it was the first time in a long time that he had been that close to someone other than Charlie or Lilith.
The moment had been very ... Intimate.
Not only because he had healed and treated the radio demon and offered him his blood, but also because they had been close in a vulnerable moment.
It was over that day.
Alastor was always hanging around the hotel, or out in Cannibal Town, occasionally lending a hand and helping Charlie, and maybe that was what bothered him: he had believed in the project and his daughter's dream right away, while he had failed.
The wounds of the past were too deep and he didn't want to risk his daughter ending up disappointed, destroyed by Heaven and its senseless rules about what was right and wrong.
"Dad... are you all right? You seem a thousand miles away."
Charlie's voice brought him back to the present, to the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel where the remaining residents were deciding on what to do.
Alastor was also present, smiling as usual and damn annoying.
"Sorry, kiddo, I was thinking about something... What were we talking about?"
"Despite the hotel being rebuilt we haven't had any new guests, excluding Cherri."
Vaggie exclaimed, taking stock of the situation, Cherri Bomb gave a two-fingered salute and smiled in Angel's direction.
"We were considering creating a new commercial. After all, we've been all over the news," Vaggie continued, enthusiastically, as Charlie nodded beside her. "Attracting new sinners shouldn't be difficult. A commercial highlighting our work so far."
"Sounds like a great idea, Vaggie," agreed Lucifer, nodding as he crossed his arms.
"Too bad we still don't know if what we're doing will work. We don't even know if..." Angel had started a speech, bit his lip and decided to end it there.
Cherri closed in, pulling herself into a solitary embrace while Husk, on the other hand, approached Angel, resting a hand on his back with a worried expression on his face.
Those present did not need to read Angel's thoughts to understand who he was referring to. Out of the corner of his eye, Lucifer stopped to look at the portrait they had drawn of Sir Pentious.
Lucifer hadn't known him like the others, but seeing what reaction his death had triggered he must have been an important soul and one that had touched everyone. For better or for worse.
Charlie was still roped in, even though he had decided, along with everyone else, to move on, but he still felt the weight of that loss on his shoulders. A father notices these things.
"If I may be so bold..." it was Alastor's static, upbeat voice that interrupted that sombre moment where tension could be cut with a knife. 'You could highlight our victory and show this place as a point of protection from angelic forces. A place of resistance for all lost sinners."
"Alastor, we are not a stronghold."
Vaggie's voice was harsh and unyielding, he looked at Alastor with suspicion despite all that had happened he did not trust the radio demon.
"Who said that," was his jovial reply as he disappeared and reappeared from the shadows behind them bringing his arms around Charlie and Vaggie's shoulders bringing them closer to him. "What we need to do now is convince the sinners that this place is safe and that it works, what better way to do that than to make them believe that they will be able to escape the heavenly hammer when it falls on us condemning us all?"
The image was all too clear and everyone was thinking that, although no one had voiced that thought, but at the same time no one was sure it was a good idea.
"As much as it pains me to admit it, and it pains me greatly, I think the radio demon is right."
Everyone turned to look at Lucifer admitting defeat.
Although nothing seemed to change in Alastor's expression, it could not be said that he was not very, very pleased with the result.
The ruler of hell was proving to be more interesting than he had initially anticipated.
'See? Even your father agrees and that says a lot about his... high views."
"Ha! Lousy joke, old pal, but the idea of giving sinners a place to take refuge isn't wrong. It doesn't have to be a lie, Charlie, but rather a different way to look at your dream and give everyone a choice."
Charlie became thoughtful, her face darkening for a moment as the idea of lying, offering her hotel as a stronghold against heaven was not the best, but she really wanted to succeed and to succeed she needed souls to come in.
"Alright, let's do it!"
Alastor snapped his fingers and out of nowhere appeared a few small servant demons with the necessary material to make shots.
Lucifer glared at him, getting in response a cheeky grin and a satisfied expression from the radio demon who was gloating in self-satisfaction at a plan well executed.
"By the nine hells how I'd love to rip that cocky grin off his face!"
"Very well, and now if you will excuse me I have some matters to attend to. Do not destroy any more walls without me."
"He's annoying. I'd like to kill him, though..." he stopped his thoughts as he watched the Hazbin Hotel residents all gather around Vaggie and Charlie deciding what to do. "... He's definitely better than me, though. Only in that, but not for long because I will soon prove what I am capable of."
"Dad, come on come... we need you."
It was those few words that lit up the face of the ruler of hell who smiled as he flanked his daughter, ready to play his part and happy that he could really be useful to her for something.

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