Chapter 5 - Escape Room (part 1)

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Alastor never slept.
Some sinners and demons needed to rest, just like normal creatures, but in his case it was not necessary.His room had been improved but with the style of the 30s in mind and without any trace of technology; just as he wished. The room was not enclosed by walls but by a forest, a hunting ground for deer and where he usually spent his time when not otherwise engaged.He leaned back against the trunk of one of the trees, immersed in the fog of his own thoughts.Alastor felt that something had been wrong for a few days.The hunger he was feeling was different from what he was used to. He felt something scratching deep inside.An intense need that he could not satiate in any way.Killing that small fish of the Vee should have sated his hunger while also satisfying his need for power and control, but it had done no good.The hunger remained and his mind went back to the exchange with Lucifer that had taken place a few hours before dusk.He wanted to devour him.He hated him for the power he possessed and did not use in the right way.

He hated him because all he could think about lately was how much he wanted to rip his arm off and eat him, but mostly because he had control over everything and everyone; even him.He brought a hand to his face, tracing the outline of his smile with his fingers. His claws sank there, into the corners where he felt the seams tugging most often, and he continued to push with his fingers, hoping to see the seams break; his contract, the chain that bound his soul.Eventually he felt a slight pinch and pulled his hand away to see some small traces of blood around his forefinger.It was no big deal, just a trivial scratch, he brought his finger close to his lips to lick away the stain and the only thing that came out of his lips was, "That's not enough..."


"Escape Room!" exclaimed Charlie enthusiastically in front of her hotel guests.The various residents, however, looked at her in confusion as she stood in the centre of the activity room with an expression of delight, to say the leastYesterday had brought her down, but after talking to everyone, especially Vaggie and her father, she had decided that she could not be crushed by what the TV demon had said about their work. The commercial they had newly created would still be aired, even if at times that were not always appealing to the inhabitants of hell."And... what exactly is it about?" asked Cherri Bomb, looking confused at both Angel and Husk.The latter shrugged their shoulders to let her know they had no idea."It's a new recreational activity very much in vogue in the greed ring." Lucifer replied with a nervous smile.He hadn't been able to say no to Charlie and so now, in full discomfort, he stood in the middle of the room with everyone's eyes on him."It's a very simple game. You go into a room where there are a series of doors and puzzles to solve and the aim is to be the first one out."No reaction.

Charlie cleared her throat and decided to step in to save the day.

"Since we have a new guest," she said pointing to Cherri Bomb, sitting next to Angel, "we thought it would be nice to create an opportunity to distract ourselves, but more importantly to strengthen the collaboration between us."Alastor had remained aloof, distant and smiling with a blank expression on his face; the last thing he wanted was to get involved, but he had a feeling he was not going to escape Charlie's plan this time."Besides, the first ones out, thus winning the race, will get a prize.""Now you're speaking our language!" commented Angel Dust enthusiastically, approaching as Vaggie gave him a smirk."Lucifer, sir, has agreed to let the first winners enter LuLu Land!"Vaggie was genuinely thrilled.She had always seen from afar that great Luna Park built on the other side of the city and kept sealed at the wishes of Lucifer himself. No one could enter, only those who had been expressly invited and were part of the royal family.Although the offer of the prize was very tempting, it did not meet with the same enthusiasm from the other guests.

Silence fell after those words.An awkward silence that made Lucifer uncomfortable. He was convinced that he was doing well, he had proposed to reopen that park for them to prove that he too could be useful and could be part of the team.Husk raised his hand and said, "Would it be possible to have another award?"There, Lucifer thought, just what he feared.Charlie seemed to notice as she immediately intervened to lift the spirits."'Come on guys, LuLu Land is a truly magical place and once you're inside you won't be able to help yourself."Everyone looked into each other's eyes before sighing in resignation; there was no escaping the situation anyway."Alright, but let's make it quick." Was Husk's reply as he rose from the chair he was sitting on, sighing resignedly and not caring in the least to hide it."Great enthusiasm, my dear Husker, I knew you would be essential for this job."

Alastor's voice caught the attention of the other residents, as Nifty turned away to chase after some cockroaches she had seen, which didn't belong there in the slightest."Fuck off..." he muttered under his breath before standing beside Charlie, beaming as she did a few times, and her companion Vaggie."Alastor, will you join us?" asked Charlie, hands clasped in prayer and eyes full of hope.Whenever they organised something Alastor always stayed on the sidelines, one excuse or another was always good for not participating; but not this time.Charlie and Vaggie had put a lot of work into creating the escape rooms, even his father, Lucifer himself, had participated in it and he could only be happy."Oh, Charlie, as you well know as co-manager of the hotel I cannot be absent and leave my position uncovered."""Are you perhaps afraid?" asked Lucifer amusedly, his arms crossed over his chest and his expression sly.When Charlie had told him about the idea of involving everyone, including Alastor, he hadn't really agreed, but after all, he thought, it might be a chance to finally show him that he was HIM, now, in control and an important part of his daughter's life.Alastor bent his neck slightly, which was followed by a terrible static noise."What?""I mean..." continued Lucifer, shortening his distance to get closer to the radio demon. "As far as I know this isn't the first time you've backed out, but I can understand you .... These escape rooms are really difficult, the puzzles that will appear will be very complex."The air became tense and silence suddenly fell.

Charlie only hoped that his father had not gone too far. He didn't want to force Alastor to participate against his will.
"...Are you perhaps trying to use reverse psychology on me, sire?" the radio demon asked, catching the ruler of hell off guard.
"...Was it working?" he asked awkwardly, feeling the heat envelop his ears completely.Everyone was watching them, a trickle of sweat trickled down his back as he waited for the demon in front of him to answer.
"AH!" he replied amused, the usual cheerful tone accompanying Alastor. "Not at all! But I appreciate the attempt, so I will participate in this wacky project."He passed Lucifer and approached Charlie, who was bursting with joy from every pore, before her eyes became glazed over with excitement, but fortunately there was always Vaggie beside her, who knew how to work that situation out.Lucifer was taken aback by that exchange of words.
"How I hate that," he found himself thinking with annoyance as the demon rested a hand on his daughter's shoulder and was surrounded by the other hotel guests.Why was everything he did so easy?Why couldn't he get the same response from the others?His mind occasionally went back to those few moments of intimacy they had spent, to the shivers that had run through his body and the embarrassment he had felt before that creature towering over him.

Those thoughts disturbed him and as much as he reminded himself that it was just an accident, merely a coincidence due to the events that had led them to share the hotel.He followed the group towards the lift leading to the lower floor, the basement, so far unused, would be the place of their trials.He cast constant stealthy glances at the demon, imitating his confidence and composure and sketching a smile that he noticed was only forced.In short, it was quite an unsettling scenario.As they stepped into the lift they found themselves facing a well-lit corridor with three different doors in front of them.Charlie stood in front of the central door, quickly explaining what she had in mind.They would be divided into teams, specifically: her and Vaggie. Husk, Angel and Cherry bomb and finally he and Alastor.They had less than 30 minutes to solve their puzzles and get out the door.Each room was structured differently not even Charlie knew what to expect behind his door, she proudly and happily explained, as she invited everyone to choose a door; they were to open all the doors together.Angel and his team chose the middle door, she and Vaggie chose the right door and lastly only remained the left door.Lucifer would not say this out loud, but he was quite nervous about the situation and looked around worriedly. Alastor was quiet; if he had any thoughts on the subject, he had not mentioned it. He seemed locked in his own thoughts."Alright, everyone ready?"Lucifer decided not to think about it, it was none of his business and he had no intention of getting mixed up in that demon's problems.
"On the count of three. One... two... three."
They all placed their hand on the handle and the escape room doors opened before them.

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