Chapter 10 - Do we have a deal? -

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Alastor sat in the radio tower and watched the city spread out below it.He was supposed to be broadcasting new screams.One of his recent victims was one of the most popular models on Velvette's online shows, one of the three members of the Vee, choosing to kill her a few days earlier he had still hesitated to reveal the true nature of the disappearance.His index finger tapped on the station's control keyboard while his mind was miles away.That night, during his breakdown, he had done something very dangerous and the result even now made him feel small.Alastor hated being considered an inferior being and for that he needed power.Greater power meant security and freedom.A freedom once again denied.


"We need to talk."They had taken a moment to turn away.Lucifer was pressing his hand to the wound, aware that it would soon regenerate, while Alastor, on the other hand, turned away, walking to the door of his quarters and leaning against the doorframe.The radio demon finally felt centred. All forms of obsessive thinking had passed and his powers had regained stability; and all because of the blood of the ruler of hell.He clasped his arms around his chest, his inscrutable expression barely concealing the anger he was feeling at this discovery.Neither of them seemed willing to break the silence. They studied each other like two wounded animals, ready to attack at the first sign of weakness."So..." it was Alastor who broke the silence, granting himself an advantage over the ruler who seemed overwhelmed by what appeared to be 'guilt'. "Your blood causes addiction. It would have been good to know this beforehand, wouldn't it?" Lucifer looked up to give him a dirty look at the tone of voice he had used; scornful and know-it-all."Sorry about that, you know they don't give us an instruction manual for certain situations.""They should have!"The radio demon rarely lost his composure.He had stretched in her direction bringing their gazes close together as a noise of static enveloped them.

Alastor always smiled, and that smile of his appeared forced, and he feared that if he pushed further, he would feel the seams on his mouth pull even more.Lucifer looked at him and with a sigh bowed his head."You're right, it shouldn't have happened. It was my mistake."He could not have known that his own blood would cause such a reaction in the radio demon. In the past he knew when something peculiar happened there was always a hidden meaning. Lucifer wanted to think that even in that situation, both of them were now bound to each other and all he could do was try to contain the situation."At least we agree on that."Alastor returned to his usual, normal appearance. He still greatly resented the situation, what he had done and the way their bodies had been in close contact.He did not despise it, but he also resented the way it had happened completely lost in the frenzy of need.He ran a hand over his jacket, straightening himself up and trying to look presentable again. Lucifer got up from the mattress to reach the bathroom, there he picked up a cloth which he wiped over the traces of blood from the now healed wound.

"What do we do now?""You ask me, Sire? Yet I understand your plan included only self-pity."In this, Alastor thought, he was much like Charlie.He didn't need to have known Lucifer for long to know that he was mulling it over but guilt only led to nothing concrete. The only solution was to spur him on, prod him to give him the push in the right direction,"Listen well, Alastor..." the ruler of hell replied, brandishing the name of the radio demon in front of him for good measure. "Being an asshole won't improve the situation we're both in.""Finally I hear something meaningful coming from your lips as well."He had to concede one thing to the radio demon: he could be particularly annoying when he was nervous.Lucifer inspired deeply and searched his mind for a possible solution to their problem."Our situation has become complicated. In granting this blood to you for some reason I have bound you to me and vice versa."

If he closed his eyes and concentrated on his own sensations he could feel it, albeit faintly, a link that had formed like a chain between them.Alastor felt it most as both depository and receiver. He had experienced it first hand and could no longer allow such a thing to happen again."Yes, I have noticed... Sire." The radio effect disappeared completely when he uttered the last word, lowering his voice until it was a whisper only for the sovereign's ears. The latter was not slow to react, shivering and blushing at the tips of his ears. One hand went to the back of his neck in an attempt to remove some sweat that was not there."Anyway, we have to find a solution..." he cast furtive glances at the demon beside him, at her figure towering over him and at the warmth still emanating from her mere presence. "...I certainly can't leave you in the grips of abstinence. The risks are too great."

The radio demon truly had immense power, his blood was the catalyst for a fire over which he had no control whatsoever, and at the Hazbin Hotel it must not happen.The hotel was his daughter's dream and he would do anything to protect it."What do you suggest?" He now had Alastor's full attention. His being a pact-making demon had taken him far, far away and by gaining more power and prestige he had made a name for himself in no time.He had only sacrificed a part of himself, a part that bound him and that he now very much wanted back to show those fools who the radio demon really was."There is only one solution, however unpleasant, and that is to offer you my blood on a regular basis to prevent problematic situations like this from arising."Lucifer's mind went back to the moment when she had pinned him to the mattress, the way their bodies had touched and that warm, pleasant feeling that filled him from within.Now he knew it was the 'bond' between them. Nothing more.

Alastor tilted his head slightly with a tremendous cracking sound."Once a week we will meet in my quarters and... well yes... I will give you my blood."The offer was tempting, Alastor thought, but by nature he would not easily trust the offer that had just come to him."Mnnn..." mumbled the radio demon in reply. "I could simply speak to the princess about what happened. Surely she would be more prodigal to resolve the matter, make the offer more attractive.... Sire."Lucifer had to restrain himself from striking him to remind him once more that the ruler of hell and higher authority in that room was only him.He clenched his fists tightly as he approached the demon. "There is no other solution, Alastor. You can accept my proposal, where you wouldn't have to defend yourself against the crises to come anyway, or you can risk it. I will not use the bond that is there to interfere with your choices and actions. You will always be free. Now the choice is yours alone: do we have a deal or not?"


The radio demon rose abruptly from his chair, thinking back to the offer he had been made.Lucifer had given him time to ponder the implications of his words. A day to decide his own future and what he wanted.The chain around his neck was tight and he felt suffocated just thinking about it. The idea of giving in and accepting the fallen angel's agreement made his blood boil.Should he have knelt down? Admire his magnificence and thank him for such a gift?Sorry to disappoint, but no, he would not do that.He began to move restlessly around the studio, pacing left and right as his mind created a plan.He walked out of the radio station and into the hotel lobby.There was nothing the radio demon could do to prevent that situation from arising again; he knew it by now and even if the hunger was satisfied, it was never really enough.A black hole devoured everything of his being until he was reduced to a penitent creature who would lick his master's hands.Becoming Lucifer's lapdog was not part of his plans, not even for the future.There was only one solution: to take control of everything.Lucifer had no intention of forcing him, he had said, but their condition could not but exclude some kind of control. One way or another he could force him to do anything.They both knew so little and Alastor needed time. Precious time to find out more and manage to extricate himself from this addiction. It was not yet over for him.A plan formed in his mind as the lift doors opened on his side.Another lift arrived at its destination at the same moment, revealing none other than Lucifer.The two approached. A religious silence fell on both sides.Alastor showed his best smiling expression, in his eyes a gleam of madness and confidence as there was only one thing important: freedom.Placing his staff on the opposite side he brought his right hand closer to the ruler of hell.

"We have a deal."

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