Chapter 15 - I'm the only one who can handle you

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 The journey back to the Hazbin Hotel was remarkably short.Lucifer had tightened his grip around the waist of the radio demon, who had so far not uttered a word. It was strange not to hear him speak and that silence between them was as heavy as a cloud loaded with acid rain.Lucifer did not think he would find him like that, on his knees and deprived of any strength, at first he had decided to wait a few moments to leave the demon to handle himself because the impression at that moment was that his help would not be welcomed.When Lucifer had seen him not reacting and standing still on the ground, he had decided that he could no longer just stand by and watch. In his mind he had repeated to himself that he was doing it for Charlie, seeing him in that state would worry her and he could not allow something like that to happen again.However, the king had the feeling that it was better not to focus on that detail at that moment.

When they arrived at the Hazbin Hotel he decided to land on the balcony on the roof. He slowly laid Alastor's body on the ground, letting his back rest against the railing for support.The radio demon's face was tilted to the opposite side of Lucifer's so as not to meet his eyes in deafening silence.
"Hey, Al, you still alive?"

The irony of the question only came later to Lucifer kneeling beside him, he slowly rested a hand on the radio demon's shoulder, hoping to shake him, but Alastor reacted immediately and with a firm slap pushed him away.

The radio demon's voice was low, a crackling buzz like the crackling of fire filled the air around them until it completely overpowered the silence as red eyes stared with great attention at the ruler of hell. Lucifer was taken aback by that question and merely looked at him with a large question mark painted on his face.

"Why did you interfere?!"

 continued Alastor, his eyes unmoving from Lucifer's followed his every little involuntary movement. The radio demon smiled, straining his angles to stay as high as possible to hold back the urge to approach the ruler again and take what he wanted. Lucifer rolled his eyes before answering him; he couldn't believe how dull and stubborn that demon could be.

"Do you want me to believe that you had everything under control! Fucking hell Alastor, you were unconscious on the ground!"

"Everything was under control!"

"So I should have just stood by and watched?!"

Lucifer snorted in reply, irritated more and more by Alastor's attitude. He raised his arms in yielding: he had no desire to argue and give in to his provocations. 

"You know what? You're right, you had everything under control as always and you weren't getting electrocuted."

From Alastor's shadow again emerged tentacles of pure energy that clutched that caught Lucifer by surprise. They tightened around his waist, then slammed him forcefully onto the opposite side of the roof, the radio demon's figure slowly grew larger, and the horns on his head grew more and more to branch into an animalistic form.


he exclaimed menacingly as he approached Lucifer, who wasted no time in freeing himself from Alastor's grasp. He moved a few steps away, spreading his wings and watching as the demon turned towards the other to try and grab him with his dark tentacles. 

"You were always sitting in the audience of this Circus you created. You have only ever watched... In the assumption that nothing that happened out here could affect you..."

Lucifer did not focus on Alastor's words, by now he knew the demon's goal was to wrestle and hurt him and try to get the better of him; it was always a fucking power game and Lucifer was fed up.His eyes turned a deep red as horns sprouted from his head, stretching out with his halo, a snake biting its tail and a flame in the middle along with its long tail.Without further hesitation he launched himself at the radio demon whose enlarged form made his assault easier. He struck him in the face with a punch hard enough to knock him to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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