Chapter 4 - I didn't do it for you -

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When screams had begun to be emitted from a radio set up inside the hall, everyone in the hall shuddered, including Lucifer.He had been ruthless, violent and had certainly achieved the effect he wanted."That bastard..." suddenly exclaimed Angel Dust, his gaze was furious as Cherri reached out to try and support him as she had always done. "I recognise the voice. It was one of Valentino's directors. The bastard had put me in shitty situations several times. I'm glad he's dead, but I dread to think what Valentino will do to me when he finds out."Angel had learned this quickly: with every reaction, there was always a consequence.Charlie was still quite concerned by Alastor's gesture and approached her girlfriend, who seemed ready to do battle for her."We could have tried to talk to them..." sighed Charlie turning to Vaggie and Lucifer, her eyes shifting from both of them. "Couldn't we really be doing anything else?"The means Alastor used to protect them, while appreciated to an extent, did not make her happy as she always hoped that a common understanding could be found to get them all along. She was also worried about Alastor, the radio demon had been seriously injured by Adam during the final confrontation, she felt guilty for not realising this sooner. "You really didn't expect anything like that, princess?" asked Husk getting a bit annoyed, heading towards the bar area to pour him and Angel a rather strong drink. "You have always known what he is capable of. You can't dream of controlling his actions. What the radio demon wants he's gonna get. Period."Husk's words fell over them all like a heavy veil.

It was the truth.Alastor had always been on their side, even now he was protecting their work, but in the end he was a overlord and had to maintain a certain façade.Everyone looked at each other without really saying anything, but after all it wasn't necessary to speak to know that they were all thinking the same thing.Lucifer took the courage to finally speak, breaking that silence to approach his beloved and precious child.A sweet smile stretched the corners of his lips and an understanding look met his daughter's eyes."Don't worry Char-Char, I will go and talk to Alastor to clear up the situation.""Are you sure?""Of course!" he replied bursting with excitement as he fixed a strand of her blonde hair out of place with one hand. "Remember what I always told you: never take shit from other demons, especially those who call themselves overlords."A laugh escaped Charlie's lips as he watched his father speak so blatantly.Eventually he nodded, smiling in turn towards that figure he had finally found and then back towards the family he had created for himself.Lucifer wasted no further time and left the activity room to head for the radio tower.It almost seemed like a great mockery when he considered what had happened recently and his promise never to set foot in that place again.He walked briskly towards the lift that would take him to the wing of the hotel where the radio tower was located.A strange atmosphere permeated the air in that area, even as he rode up in the lift he could feel that sensation in the back of his neck.His body was in a state of tension even though Lucifer knew very well that no matter how strong Alastor was, and he had proved it, he was no match for his Seraphim powers.When he heard the classic "ding" announcing that he had arrived at the right floor he allowed himself a second to inspire thoroughly.

"OK, Lucifer... You can do it. You must command authority, you're the fucking ruler of hell..."The corridor leading to the radio tower was lit by crimson bulbs that flickered due to the ongoing transmission. He could hear the demon's screams as it was being devoured.For some reason his mind went back again to when it was he who had been "almost" devoured. He shook the back of his head violently to banish that thought; it was becoming an obsession and was not productive now.He swallowed just before arriving at the recording room door, which he found strangely open. The radio demon closed the transmission, bidding farewell to the sinners and picking up his cane.The work had gone better than expected and he felt pleased with himself.His shadow took on an ominous form, warning him of the presence of guests in his personal space."Ah, Your Majesty, Lucifer himself, guest of my radio station. Had I known of your arrival I would have waited to end the broadcast."Alastor smiled but it didn't take long to realise that that smile was full of disdain and irritation. Lucifer was learning to read, more than the expression on his face, what he meant by his gaze; the eyes are the mirrors of the soul.Taking courage, he took further steps forward, approaching the station entrance and stopping just before the threshold. He was not sure if the radio demon had invited him in.The air was full of tension and expectation.Neither of them seemed to want to break the silence as speaking would have meant taking responsibility for the conversation, they studied each other in the silence with the demon in front of him tilting his head as if intrigued by that attitude.Alastor thought he would enter without any regard, just as he had done a few days before, respect for basic courtesy he found much more pleasant and took a few moments to savour it.

He recalled their last personal encounter.He rethought about that bite and that taste of angelic blood that even now left him hungry.He wanted to reach out, take hold of the fallen angel's wrist again and sink his teeth in the hope of quenching that hunger he felt growing inside every time he looked at him.The situation could not continue, Lucifer thought, he could feel the demon's eyes digging into his soul and it was making him uncomfortable and so he decided to break the silence that had been created by stepping forward."If I had known what you were up to, there would have been no need to come all the way here."He crossed his arms over his chest, his staff always in his hand as he observed the demon in front of him but there was a completely blank palette; he couldn't really decipher it, it was a real enigma."I don't understand what the problem is, Sir, I simply did my duty.""Charlie is not happy with these actions of yours. She is convinced that to protect the Hotel can be enough ...""Ah ... Forgive me, perhaps I misunderstood ..." the tension became heavy in the air again as a static noise enveloped the air, a mournful and sinister sound. Alastor's expression had changed, in his eyes, now turned into the dials of an old radio, there was something terribly frightening; even his shadow had grown wider, darker. "Do you perhaps want to meddle in my work?"

For a moment even Lucifer had some hesitation hearing that tone so stark, scratchy from the accompanying radio effect but he couldn't give in: he was the fucking lord of hell and he wasn't taking any shit from demons, whoever they were."I didn't say that. I'm just saying that it would be enough to simply consult with others before acting rashly."The air that was taut, the tension that used to cut before was suddenly lightened by the radio demon returning to his usual appearance. For that alone, Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief as fighting and destroying that demon was not in his plans; although he hated it from the bottom of his heart."Ah! But who said I did it for you?""Are you high? You said you'd sort it out..."Alastor took a few moments before replying amused, leaning towards the ruler and craning his neck."I said I would take care of the matter, I did not mention about protecting the hotel... Consider it an extra service given by my good heart."

Alastor stood upright again, adjusting his jacket and bow tie, which had shifted. Two fingers took the scarlet monocle in their hands and passed it over the fabric of the jacket, blowing on it first, then putting it back on his face.Lucifer looked at him confused, but perhaps he had just realised something very important."Was it personal, then? Did they touch your pride or what..."Alastor did not answer.His smile grew more uneasy as he shortened his distance with the ruler.They were close again, just like that time.If he inspired deeply he could smell the scent of blood enveloping his person, he could also smell a faint spicy perfume that spoke of his human life and also the cedar smell of the forest trees.His presence was intoxicating, and he could not understand why that demon put him through so much trouble, why he was always pushing him to act in a manner unbecoming of his role."Please, Sire, continue as it is evident to me that you have not yet run out of nonsense."Only one thought was in the radio demon's mind: bite him, take his blood and devour his flesh whole.The angel placed his hand on the demon's chest, maintaining eye contact between them."Whatever the reason was..." he swallowed, searching for the right words. It was dangerous standing there, in front of each other, if he forgot the rules and caution everyone could see they were playing a dangerous game. "...You did more than you had to. Charlie, maybe all of us actually, we might have just wanted to be informed. You protected the hotel.""You can't dream of controlling his actions. What the radio demon wants he's gonna get. Period.

The bartender's voice resounded in his mind like a warning and at that moment Lucifer understood.Alastor, the demon he had seen on TV, were all products of his disregard for the kingdom he had created with Lilith.Alastor was nothing more than his mirror now, a dark mirror reflecting his faults and mistakes and perhaps that was why he was there at the Hazbin Hotel: he wanted a second chance to prove that he could do something, that he was not a useless ruler who had left his city to rot.Two fingers and Alastor pulled Lucifer's hand away from his chest and had to hold back once moreIn his long existence the radio demon had had a taste of what the world had to offer. He had taken pleasure in skinning people alive and eating them, he found relish in killing demons that got in his way, but nothing could compare to the bouquet that now lay before his eyes.It was life, pure and simple, and it was intoxicating."I fear you have the wrong idea about me, Sire..." in saying these words he lowered himself to her level, his face very close to the other's ear and he could immediately see how that closeness had made him uncomfortable. "...My actions are mine alone. They do not depend on others. As for pride...' he paused, barely licking his lips as he felt a slight languor coming from his stomach. He was so close.So close.It would only have taken a little to get what he wanted, but he wanted to play some more and understand what that feeling was generated from. "...At least one of us has it, don't you think?"A light laugh accompanied his last words before he exited the scene altogether shrouded in his shadow and vanishing into the darkness of his radio tower.Left alone, Lucifer brought a hand to the back of his head as his breathing was becoming increasingly dishevelled."What the fuck is wrong with me?"

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