Chapter 6 - Escape Room (Part 2) -

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The door opened to reveal what appeared to be a casino room.Alastor and Lucifer looked around and the first thing that caught their attention was the bar counter with its old-fashioned design and curtained doors to go inside and reach the collection of liquor bottles.Lucifer approached the counter to begin while Alastor observed the tables and chairs on that side of the room. He had the feeling he had seen something similar before, but unfortunately he could not recall where.Lucifer first made to touch the bottles only to discover that they were all fake. He was not used to drinking, but now a glass of something strong, to withstand the presence of that demon would be necessary."But how, Sire, do you already want to indulge in alcohol? You who so despised the improvement I myself had added on my arrival."Lucifer inspired thoroughly, releasing his breath and observing him with a calm expression before noticing that there were two playing cards on the counter: a seven of spades and a four of spadesHe took it in his hand, ignoring the demon, who wasn't very happy about this; the radio demon couldn't stand being ignored or pushed aside."What do you think this is for?""It looks like a normal playing card."Alastor's voice was flat, a normal given, and they continued to look around for some other clue until Alastor found another playing card: a five of spades"Let's keep looking around."

It was the former who spoke, anticipating Lucifer and thus taking a small satisfaction in having been ignored.The whole thing was strange.Being ignored bothered him, but for some reason, in the middle of that game which he had no intention of winning quickly, he was more nervous and 'sensitive' about everything that day.Alastor felt every line of his body, a constricting sensation that almost took his breath away for the briefest of moments and immediately the hunger returned.It rose from the depths and silencing it was becoming more and more difficult and not understanding made him very nervous.His eyes fixed on the small table where he had found the paper.It was a normal looking square table with central containers at the corners, running his hand over the fabric he realised that it was not a tablecloth but a green carpet; just like that of a gambling hall."Mnnnn...."Alastor's voice was static almost as if he was flipping between different radio stations to find the right one.Lucifer, on the other hand, was caught by the huge chimney placed behind the radio demon. It was unlit, but above it could be seen two rectangular torches with markings inside them. Behind both was a small white cloth.

"Mnnn..." echoed Lucifer, approaching the shelf on the fireplace. It was quite high, though he could, like other creatures, change his shape and size he found it quite annoying when it concerned his appearance.He was about to stretch out a hand when Alastor overtook him, also approaching and taking from the top of the shelf another playing card: the six of spades.
"Were you looking for this one, sire? It was really high up."The frustration he saw appearing in the eyes and expression of the ruler of hell was absolutely delicious.

Rip off his arm and eat it. Take his blood.
Alastor was good at hiding all his thoughts behind his perpetual smile, he swallowed at the mere memory of that sensation and felt his mouth water just imagining it.Once he got out, he mentally told himself, that he would go to Cannibal Town to talk to Rosie and have something to eat with the supreme lady.
But would that be enough?

Anger soon turned to embarrassment as neither of them seemed to want to look away.
"Alright, I'm short ... so what? Is your repertory always this poor?" asked Lucifer, exasperated by the other demon's behaviour.An intrusive and dangerous thought made its way into his mind: if Alastor had been less ... irritating ... would he have enjoyed his company more?
At that moment he didn't mind them being together, although he hated him, but it was better with him than with Charlie risking him proposing something strange to her.
His daughter had too good a soul, simple and that would be the end of her if he didn't at least protect her from threats like Alastor.
"Not at all, but you know what they say: if it works, there's no point in changing." sounds that resembled laughter and applause emerged from the demon's staff as he turned to take a better look around the room.There were three slot machines and a wider table not too far away.
By now it was clear that if they wanted to get out of this predicament they had to find some cards, the only mishap, as he noted, was figuring out what they were for.
"If we had the whole deck we could have a game of poker."
"Oh, but Sire, I don't think you're familiar with the game..." added Alastor, turning his head to look over his shoulder and only then accompanying his body as well. His static and creaking made Lucifer feel extremely uncomfortable.

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