Chapter 3 - The Radio Demon is back -

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The meeting ended like that, with nothing but a promise from everyone to meet again in a month's time.
Vox's words had shaken things up and his old 'friend' had to be given that: he knew how to manipulate people's minds and attention.
Rosie had invited Alastor to Cannibal Town so they could talk openly and discuss, among other things, what had happened at the meeting. Rosie hadn't forgotten the conversation they'd had before coming in, she'd made up her mind to want to find out the origin of that delicacy, after all it wasn't every day that Alastor was so pleased.
The radio demon, however, politely declined her invitation, but with the promise that they would meet again soon for conversation over a good glass of whiskey.
Once they were dismissed, Alastor decided to take a different route back to the Hazbin Hotel and pass through a different area of the Pentacle.

The city was increasingly out of control, after the recent events one could feel a strange energy in the air that had the aftertaste of war and rebellion mixed together.
Alastor was aware of how much that city had changed.
The ruler of hell had abandoned everything and this, he thought, was perhaps only one of the many reasons why he could not tolerate the presence of that angel in his creation: the Hazbin Hotel.
No matter how hard he tried, he could not understand how a creature with such power, capable of healing even with his blood alone, and he had experienced this, was not the least bit interested in ruling the whole of hell.
All around him was chaos and confusion interrupted only by the blaring music from a silver-grey van, with the initials I.M.P. printed on the sides, that was speeding through the streets of the city.
There was enough violence and nourishment on the streets to satiate him, yet he yearned for something more special and his desire only grew.

His walk took him near the porn studios run by Valentino.
It was not the first time he had passed by there. When Vox and he were still talking to each other, having at least interesting conversations, he had had access to the facility and was familiar with its design.
He remained at a safe distance, hiding in the shadows and waiting.
Vox had humiliated him, had shown everyone his moment of weakness, and he would naturally strike back, reminding everyone that no one could afford to attack the radio demon and get away with it.

Alastor would have really wanted to destroy Valentino, one of the backbones of the Vee, break his soul and devour him in one bite and broadcast his screams on the radio for all to hear.
His death would have been the sweetest, but that was precisely why he wanted to savour it at the right time and under the right conditions.
His target now was a smaller fish, but one whose screams would be a sweet aperitif before the main course.
He remained hidden in the shadows waiting patiently, careful and cautious not to be discovered.
His body was pervaded by a thrill of excitement; it had been years since he had hunted like this.
His target at the moment, however, was not exactly a overlord but a much smaller fish, and his wait did not take long to be rewarded.

Out of the studio door came a feline-looking demon, very reminiscent of his good friend Husker, but this demon's colours were dull and dark.
Alastor became one with his shadow until he reached the demon's shadow and merged with it.
The creature was so focused on talking on the phone that it did not notice what was happening at all.
"...Even today the boss was pissed off because that ungrateful whore Angel Dust didn't show up on set. In the end we are the ones who have to pay for that bitch's absence..."
Alastor wasn't the least bit interested in what the demon was saying about Angel Dust, but he found himself thinking that maybe killing him would do him a favour and maybe this could be even more useful than he had initially thought.

The phone chat continued for a while longer until they reached a junction where there were very few people, but more importantly no camera in sight that could spy on them.
The game could begin.

Slowly they emerged from the demon's shadow creating an effect of static energy that created a flickering effect on the street lamps.
The demon began to look around and the fear that was growing within him was certainly delightful.
Hidden in the shadows he let out a light, low and incredibly disturbing laugh.
He could see the terror growing in the eyes of the unfortunate demon on whom the curtain was falling, he could feel his body freeze and even if he tried to escape it would not take long to catch him.
The demon, however, managed to overcome his fear as the lights continued to flicker in front of him and began to run.
Bad decision.

One movement of his staff was enough to summon dark tentacles shrouded in a green halo from the ground, these grabbed the demon's legs and dropped him to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
In the silence of the street the radio demon's footsteps could be heard, lights flickered accompanied by a steady static sound.
"N-No .... Please .... I'll do anything..."
Was the demon's heartfelt plea, pinned to the ground and terrified of what was about to happen. He had the phone in his hand, ready to make a call for help as he slammed it to the ground.
Alastor looked at him, smiling with a menacing look in his eyes that had turned into dials.
"But you already accomplished what I needed. Your screams... will be the first to be broadcast..."
Alastor's shadow grew until it completely surrounded the terrified demon, who tried to wriggle out of the way, a futile move since he had no way to escape.
The horns on Alastor's head took on the shape of those of a deer as he ran his tongue over his teeth, anticipating the sweet agony that would follow shortly afterwards.

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