Should have been together..

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Authors note: Hey guys! This story is from Louse's (SprinkleOfGlitter) point of view. Please comment and let me know what you think!


"Aloha Sprinklerinos. I'm here with my chummy, oh look she's already crying, aww chummy you're going to make my cry! Anyway as you all know, is a very sad day. As you can se we are all stood outside the church, there's Marcus and Alfie over there and over there are Chris and Pj and here...we have Jim and Tarn." I turn the camera to face them for a second "Hi guys." "I'm obviously not going to vlog anything inside the church because I think it's just a bit too personal and people may find it rather might blog something afterwards if I'm able to stop crying.."

I turn off my camera and put it in my bag, I then turn to my dearest chummy "hey, come here" I give her a big squeeze, not even minding if she gets mascara on my dress, not that it will show anyway. Alfie joins us as we all pile into the church; I hug Zoe once more and then hand her to Alfie as I walk up the isle to take my seat with Chris, Pj and of course, Dan. Everyone is here, there's the British lot, including South African Caspar, behind them are Tyler, Cat and Connor who unfortunately were the only one's able to fly over from America and joining them are Troye and Louis...the list goes on forever! So many people are here to celebrate such an amazing man. I look over at Dan sat next to me, he seems pretty calm actually, smiling slightly and greeting people as they arrive...a tad odd considering what has happened.

Family cover the other side of the church and one by one they get up and say their loving speeches, his older brother, his dad and finally his mum who just manages to get through her brief but beautiful speech before crying...poor woman.

It's Dan's turn now, he's gone as white as a sheet (I didn't even think it was possible for him to become any paler!) he stands up shakily and walks slowly up to the front, being careful of the step. He retrieves a piece of paper from his pocket before promptly dropping it on the floor by least I think it was, he hasn't bothered to pick it up again... "Hello everyone, erm..again thank you all for coming..I know he would really appreciate it." Dan starts, looking over at the coffin. "Seeing you all here so many of makes me both happy and sad because..." He stops and looks down at the floor, thinking or trying to compose himself "because all throughout his life he never considered himself to have very many friends...he would always say how he kinda felt on the edge of the group...never really connected...and I would like to thank you all so much for being here today and proving him wrong...although he always liked to be right.." He produces a small, sad smile but his voice wavers and you can clearly see the tears in his eyes, which isn't surprising...he hasn't cried at all yet...that I know of anyway. "However much he had been through or...or was going through he always...he always made sure that I...that I was..I was okay.." He places a hand to his heart and a tear rolls down his cheek but he wipes it away, determined to finish his speech, I'm worried that he's not going's so many memories.. "Sorry, I've got a lot to say patient..please" I look around the room full of tear stained faces much like my own, we all know that we have the time to spare if he needs it "Because we joked around a lot and...and said sarcastic comments to each other and such like...many..many people never realised just how much we meant to each mu-much he meant me...because" his voice cracks and I can tell that he's not going to make it through "because for the first eighteen years of my life...I..I didn't have a best friend..and now...and" He looks back at the coffin and that's when he loses it, completely breaks down. He falls to the floor, perching on the step with his fists clenched and his arms wrapped around his body; I can tell that he's angry at himself for not being able to finish but it's okay, we all got the message.

I rush over to him followed closely by Chris and Pj "Dan..." I say as I sit beside his and place my arm around his shoulders, his whole body is shaking and his sobs echo round the room hauntingly. Zoe comes over with Alfie as everyone leaves, it's not officially ended but everyone knows that the ceremony is over...or maybe they just can't stand it anymore. Zoe hands Dan a tissue (I swear she is so organised for everything!) and he takes it and wipes his nose still unable to make the heart-wrenching sobbing cease. He leans into me, placing his head on my shoulder and whispers through the sobs "I...I never got to tell him Louise.." I instantly know what he's talking about and even though no one else knew for sure, I think we all knew at heart. They we're meant to be together...but now they never will be.

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