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"Where are you going?" Dan called from the kitchen, where he was making them tea, as he noticed Phil walk past.
"Don't worry, I'm just going to pee." Phil called back.
Dan shook his head, trying to dismiss the worries that lingered in his head - Phil is a grown man, he can look after himself.
He carefully carried the cups of tea to the living room and placed them on the coffee table just as Phil came back into the room.
"Alright?" Dan asked, concerned.
"Yep, still alive." Phil replied with a weak yet comforting smile as he settled himself on the sofa.
"Do you need anything else?" Dan asked, still stood up, a little jittery.
"Nope, I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
Phil took a sip of his tea, "Dan, honestly, I'm okay." Before Dan could reply Phil backtracked, "Actually there is one thing I'd like."
"Yeah. I'd like you to come and sit here with me and stop worrying."
Hesitantly Dan turned the TV on and then sat down, "Well that's actually two things, but okay."
Phil breathed out a laugh and instantly gravitated towards Dan. Dan gently wrapped his arms around him and let out a sigh.
"You okay?" Phil asked softly, leaning into him.
"Yeah, sorry, it's just that..you really scared me today.."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"You don't need to apologise." Dan ran a hand through Phil's hair, "It's not your fault you fainted."
"Well I mean, it kind of was.."
"Well yeah, but it's not like you purposely did it. Anyway, yeah, it just shook me up a bit that's all."
Phil looked up at him and took his hand giving it a small squeeze. "It's okay, I would have been just as scared if it'd been you."
Dan gently pressed a kiss to Phil's forehead, "I'm just glad that you're okay now and that you're home."
Phil smiled at the word 'home' the feeling of it more apt for being embraced in Dan's arms rather than being in their apartment. "Yeah, that's all that matters now."
After a short moment, he sat up a little, keeping Dan's hand held in his. "I'm right here and I'm okay, okay? I promise." He assured, sensing that Dan was still a little anxious.
"Okay." Dan smiled softly.
Phil leaned forward, his lips briefly brushing against Dan's, before he settled back down into his previous position, tired but happy now that everything was okay again.

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