Train journey

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We have to run to get on the train, neither of us got much sleep last night and I slept in so now we're running super late! We make it just in time and luckily there's seats left! We decide to sit in a group of four seats so we can sit opposite each other. "You okay?" I ask him as he slumps in his seat "Yeah, just really tired" he replies stifling a yawn. "Well you can always go to sleep if you want, it's a long journey." "No I'm okay."

We talk for a while as the train sets off and then he gets out his phone and earphones "Do you mind?" he asks, gesturing to the items in his hand "No of course not" I reply with a smile. He plugs them in and I watch as he gets lost in the music - it's a beautiful sight. He always seems so peaceful when we're on a long journey, especially on a train. We don't usually talk much, he usually listens to music and I pretend not to watch him. Normally when he has too much time to think about things he goes into a state of existential crisis however on journeys like this he always stays so calm and composed - a perfect picture of serenity. He thoughtfully stares out the window and the morning light bounces off his tired eyes turning them a gorgeous golden colour.

As the journey progresses I notice his eyes start to droop as fatigue takes over his body. Eventually he gives into his tiredness and closes his eyes and gently leans his head against the window as raindrops start to fall from the darkened sky. His peacefulness is disturbed by the motion of the train and he begins to fidget, he turns to the other side and rests the side of his head on the back of the seat but I can tell that he's still not comfortable. He takes out his earphones and sighs frustratedly "Why are train seats so uncomfortable?!" He questions quietly, obviously I don't know the answer so I try to think of a solution. I remove my hoodie and offer it to him "Here, use it as a pillow." He takes it and smiles "Thanks." He doesn't replace his earphones but instead just leans up against the window with his head cushioned by my hoodie. For a while he seems to be comfortable however he starts to try and curl up closer, rubbing his arms and as I think of it, it does seem rather cold in here. Suddenly he sits up and sighs again; he stares at the hoodie in his hands before promptly pulling it over his head - it's slightly too big on him so the sleeves fall adorably over his hands, almost making them disappear. He lets his head fall against the back of the seat "I just want to sleep." he mumbles to himself; he sighs again before leaning forward and resting his head on his arms, face down to the table.

An idea comes to me and I get up from my seat and slowly slide into the one beside him, he must have felt my presence next to him as he gradually sits up. He looks at me questioningly before realising why I'm here, he hesitantly places his head on my shoulder as I stretch my arm around his shoulders, gently pulling him closer to me. I feel him relax into me as he closes his eyes once more; we're both completely oblivious to everyone around us by now. Without even realising I place a small kiss on his head and then gently rest my head against his. The realisation of what I did suddenly washes over me and I open my eyes wide "why the hell did I do that?!" I exclaim in my head. I'm so confused...He must have felt me tense because he apprehensively slides his hand into mine. I smile and let out a small sigh of relief as he entangles our fingers - these are all small gestures but they mean so much more than they should. I'm so intrigued by whats happening but I let go of my questions until we get home, I just want to soak up this moment, feel his warm hand held in mine and know that this is what utter happiness feels like.

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