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Authors note: This is definitely a happier one!

"I really miss you.." Phil confesses, blushing cutely. "Phil it's only been 2 days!" I exclaim and position the laptop in front of me on the bed. "I know, I know! But we've only just officially become a couple and being away from you now seems so much harder than it was before! Why did your parents have to organise a family holiday at this precise moment in time?!" He starts dramatically rambling about how unfair it is that my parents made me fly halfway across the world when I could have just gone up to Reading to see them and how two weeks is such a long time! He's such a drama queen sometimes!
I laugh lovingly at his adorableness "Phil.." I interrupt him mid sentence "you'll be fine, okay? You know that if I had the choice I would have stayed at home with you, but my parents insisted that I come with them and I felt bad because I haven't been to see them in ages!" "....okay.." He sighs, I yawn and glance at the clock: 2:30am it reads "Phil I'm sorry but I'm so so tired! I'll message you later okay?" He pauses for a second, I know he's disappointed but I can't help being tired "okay" he answers reluctantly "thank you! I love you and I miss you too!" I reply and quickly catch his "I love you too" before shutting my laptop.
At ten to nine I'm awoken by a message from Phil: 'Please come home! I can't do this without you! Xx'
For him today is the first Monday of the month! How could I forget?! I feel even more guilty for leaving him now...
'Phil you're going to be amazing okay? Just have fun and try not to worry! I wish I could be there with you xxx' I type, press send and then set my phone down on the bedside table. I sit up slowly, stretching and then my phone buzzes indicating that I have another message from Phil
'Okay..:( xx'
I pause for a moment trying to think of something that'll make him feel better
'If it makes you feel any better, I'll be watching! Xx'
I grab my headphones and plug them into my phone then type 'BBC Radio 1 - Live' into Google.
'Thank you! That would really help! Xx' Phil replies and I smile at the fact that I've helped him.
'Good luck! I love you! Xx' I reply and then click on the live feed.
The show goes without a hitch and I'm so so proud of him for managing on his own! Doing the radio show is difficult enough when there's two of us working on it, let alone just one.
'I'm so proud of you! Xxx' I message him as soon as the show ends.
'Thank you, I couldn't have done it without your encouragement! Xx' he replies putting a smile on my face - he always manages to do that.
The two weeks drag by but before I know it we're on the plane back to England - I can't wait to see Phil!
I walk out to the area where all the security people and drivers wait with various names printed on large white cards and in the midst of them all I spot him, looking very out of place in his bright clothes and his own homemade card that displays my name followed by '(a.k.a. The best boyfriend ever!!!)' I grin widely, feeling as if we're in that bit at the end of Love Actually. Phil's gaze lands on me and his face lights up, he drops his card and then races towards me. Once he's near enough he launches himself at me and wraps his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I hold him close as tears prick at my eyes - I'm so happy to see him! He leans back slightly and smiles, placing his hands either side of my face, then he leans in and his lips collide with mine in a kiss so passionate and perfect that it seems like we're the only two people in the entire world. We eventually pull apart and just look into each other's eyes, smiling widely, oblivious to everyone around us. He runs his hands through my hair and I don't even care that he's messing it up! It just feels so good to be close to him after being apart for so long!
My arms start to ache and I don't want this perfect moment to end but I also don't want to drop him! "Phil can I put you down now? My arms are starting to hurt." He briefly kisses me once more and then hops onto the floor; he grabs my suitcase handle and then entwines his right with my left hand and leads me towards the exit. I look over at him and smile once again - I'm so lucky to have him in my life! "I love you, Phil" he looks up at me and smiles "I love you too Dan"

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